Banksy Tree Getting Muralized

The owners of the building at Erie and Mission that got Banksy’d back during the artist’s spree through the city in promotion of his movie were very excited about having a famous piece of art on their property.  Now, it seems as though they are taking it a step further, as reader Milu explains:

I heard they were going to do a mural around this Banksy piece, well, it looks like Chor Boogie has christened the beginning of it.

Now, I’m not exactly sure what he might have in store for the rest of this piece, but that obese robin is a fantastic start.  Poignant commentary about the inequal economics of art?  At the very least, way better than getting Kaiser Soze’d.  Curious to see how this all turns out!  I wonder if the context will be preserved, which you can see in the before shot captured by Travis LoDolce below:

(Thanks for the pic, Milu!)


San Francisco Has Banksy Fever!

Banksy Fever Continues!

Amnesia Banksy Does Kaiser Soze Impression

Street Art Taking The Streets By Storm, The Art World Will Never Be The Same

Someone street-arted this morose girl all over the poster wall near 23rd & Valencia. Way to steal SILVIO’s thunder, dick.

(thanks to reader Alex for the pic)

Mung Monster

Is this viral advertising for some kind of new extreme-hippie energy drink?

I dunno. Anytime I see “mung” anything, I just think of Wayne and Garth counting down the top 10 worst Halloween treats. Number 3 was “chunder” and I fell on the floor laughing. Number 1 was “mung,” and Wayne said “What the hell is mung?” and I almost died. I have a hard time at vegetarian restaurants.

Photo by eb78.

Birds in Flight

I’ve been staring into this thing for an hour but can’t pin down why it’s so compelling. It reminds me of playing with highlighters as a kid. It makes me feel calm, and it makes me love street art.

Photo by Pen Pop.

Death Face Someshine

Death Face Someshine

Chalk hieroglyphics.

You can’t get mad, it washes right off.

Street Art Romance

I wonder if it worked. I bet they’re a cute couple.

Photo by Penelope Popsicle.

The Totality Of Our Time

Big Bang Big Boom

These Blu people (not from the James Cameron magical cats movie) made this crazy video that explains where we came from and where we’re headed. I guess. Anyway, it’s really long, and maddeningly thorough. If you don’t have 10 minutes to watch it I recommend letting it load and jumping to about 8:10 where it shows us humans and our issues. Not just because it’s about us, but because it’s really neat.

(via io9)

New Graffiti Trend: Tagging Old Dudes

This smells like turf war to me. Watch your backs!

Photo by $$tackin Ca$$h.


Street art types call it “handstyles” or something I think. But, I mean, nice penmanship!

Photo by

Ribity in Rabbit Drag Has Foot-Long Dong

It’s been a while since Ribity’s done anything of note around these parts. Way to come back with a vengeance, old pal.

Now, the big question is, should Rabbity Ribity be the new Mission Mission mascot?

Thanks to Penelope Popsicle for hipping us to this new development.


Ribity in a Pickle

Marquee Ribity

Ribity in Berlin

Ribity Bound for China