Cuddly "Stay the Hell Out of My Driveway" Sign

At least they were nice about it!  Makes the trek down to good ol’ 450 7th Street just a little more bearable.

[Photo by Penelope Popsicle, as usual]


Poop on My Driveway and I Will Run You Over With My Stroller

Driveway of Forgiveness

Parking Retard

TTTrial PPPostponed

Official Mission Mission KKKatie trial correspondent Aaron Sunshine attended the trial of possibly crazy, probably racist KKKatie Dunbar today and brings us the following news:

ok went to the trial today and she appeared towards the end of the docket. nothing really happened- she showed up, looking tired with a weird smile on her face, and the lawyers talked for a second before deciding to do some sort of continuance (I think?) that delayed the trial date until October 1st. So as far as I understand, she will be in jail for a while longer.


KKKatie Upppdate 

Paper Towel Face


Nice Chaplin mustache.  Turn the crank and he sticks out his tongue!  Why not dry your hands?

Spotted at Secret Studios on Cesar Chavez

More '80s Nostalgia: Nerf Graffiti

When will it end? Gremlins are fun, Ghostbusters fucking rule. Nerf stuff was okay.

But if I see some kind of Howard the Duck wheatpaste around the way, I am going be a leetle bummed out.

Photo by sf graffiti.

Street Artist Demonstrates the Moiré Effect

Proving that you can stick it to the man and be educational.

For more on Moiré patterns, consult this informative wiki entry. For more nightmarish photos of mouth as eyes, go here… and plan on not sleeping tonight.

Snapped on 18th & Valencia St.

Bad Influences

Stoney Pricklies

These cute little burnouts have been popping up around town reminding me to blaze my daze away. Seen here in Hayes Valley, but a French one hit me up in the bathroom at Dalva right before Mario jumped in and took care of business. Got it?

Chicago Street Art

Dial R for RAD, am I right? What penmanship! Now how’s about some breakfast?



KKKatie Upppdate

ABC 7 is following the story closely, and they put a little update up yesterday in which we can listen to the 911 call what got her put away (can’t wait for the dance remix!!) — and we learn where she’s at:

Katie Dunbar is under observation on the C-Pod, a sub-acute psychiatric unit in San Francisco’s County Jail #2.  Inmates there are not allowed access to the media.

Read on.


KKKatie BBBusted!

Meet Pussy Ham, Dick Chicken's New Buddy

Photo by Ghost to Ghost, one of the better blogs about New York City.


Dick Chicken on the Peeeeeninsula!

East Coast/West Coast Graffiti Rivalry



The number of differing intentions on this little patch of wall is exhilarating.