There’s going to be a big-ass Hendrick’s Gin ad on the side of Beauty Bar tomorrow morning

But I bet all you anti-graffiti trolls are fine with it since it’s a big corporate-sanctioned corporate eyesore on a big privately owned owned thing.

I’m kidding mostly. Particularly if Hendrick’s is interested in sponsoring a popular hyperlocal blog or something.

Rad dog recommends veggies and tempeh

Wait a second. Is this an impostor?

The real rad dog, as we all know, loves Funyuns, so either this is an impostor trying to capitalize on the dog’s popularity to push health food, OR, the dog legitimately likes health food and junk food. Reasonable, I suppose.

[via Liz Brent]


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hideout on Guerrero?


Maybe the Turtles have been using porta potties as their secret enter/exit strategy all along! That would explain the recent addition of porta potties at Dolores Park, right? Regardless, I did not go inside to investigate further.

It’s how people from England or New England pronounce ‘Enya’

Now let’s all listen to some Enya:

Warped Oddfellow

Maybe a 4/20 special?

[Photo by Penelope Popsicle]

Clowny Swampy

Swampy’s head is usually just a big ugly skull. So, is he more or less unsettling with clown makeup on? Tough call.

[Photo by Everything Forced]

Street art paradox


Does this count as street art or poster art?  I’m on the fence about this.

Rad dog admonishes your vanity

Previously he was concerned with your diet and spirituality. Now, he wants you to be less vain. This guy really cares.

[Photo by Penelope Popsicle]

Apologetic graffiti

That’s all the property owner ever wanted to hear. Now you guys are cool. Carry on.

[via The Fog Bender]

Gourmet cartoon burger looks tasty as it is friendly

[Photo by Lydia Chow]