Controversial hammerhead shark street painting looks good all colored in too

Our previous post about this beauty took a controversial turn when it was posited that this piece was perhaps the work of the Discovery Channel. The comments section exploded, for various reasons. And then a commenter claiming to be the artist wrote in and stated that he has no connection to the network — and doesn’t even own a TV. Cool.

The only problem is, now it just looks like a painting of a shark instead of a really trippy traffic symbol:

(Thanks again for the photos, Marcus!)

Graffiti writers hit former Ace Cafe hard

Might this have been a political statement? Neighbors rallying in support of a beloved local watering hole whose lease on life ended a bit abruptly?

[via Squeaky Clean Dave]

Backlash against KKKatie has begun

Reader Tofu Puppy snapped this picture in the ladies room at Club Waziema. Shocking, right?

Beware of federal info person!

That Cindy!

[via Talent]


Bag of dicks

Now let’s all watch Louis C.K.:

What’s the deal with jazz?


Local tagger maybe wants to facilitate Second Coming of Christ

And so early in the morning!

But seriously, any of you great ladies think you might fit the bill?

Local tagger tags local dog

Now that’s just wrong, am I right? Or I dunno, maybe it’s water soluble, or CGI. F.E.B. C.G.I.!

[Photo by Man Freckles]


(And Max.)