Bandit goes big on Valencia

[via lmc]

UPDATE: Btw, if you’re curious, this space is eventually gonna be a New Orleans-style jazz club, restaurant and cafe. Read all about it.


Billy Joel lyrics scrawled on area emergency callbox

[via Pen Pop]

Pearl Jam sidewalk stencils hit San Francisco

[via You Wear It Well]

Local graffiti types love Herb Caen

And he wasn’t even a real native! (Born in Sacramento, eww!)

[via Last Renaissance]

Brian Wilson writing Giants-themed graffiti on area wall

Suck it, property owners! Cool tag, Brian!

(Kinda weird how he’s hovering six inches off the sidewalk though, right?)

[via Storts]

UPDATE: From the looks of his Facebook page, the artist seems to be from Philly. Here’s an exchange with a fan on his wall:

Anthony Mangano: I hate Brian Wilson

Get up: HAHA I expect lots of that! They love him out here tho, doin it for the people haha

Pica Pica wall keeps changing


But these guys are not half-assing it. Solid art.

Kevin sees the new piece as homophobic, depicting Dan Plasma as a feminine tiger (sitting on flowers, long eyelashes). We know there’s controversy here. We know how Mike Giant feels about it. In a way it’s pretty amazing to be able to watch a dialogue play out through amazing artwork on a wall. We just wish it came with less beef.

Neighborly love note painted over ugly tags

[via Meesha]

Viral marketers pwned by South Asians

Where do you stand in the raging indie/Indian turf wars? (Oh, you hadn’t heard about that?)

Ye olde graffiti crew doth representeth on local wall