I’m not the Assman!

[via Do Vulcan Tits Defy Logic?]

Niners mural gets a little Vernon Davis

Despite the rather inclement weather last Friday threatening to ruin New Year’s weekend, local artists Tim Hon and Steve Ha braved the elements to put some final touches on their 49ers tribute mural on the Walgreens at 23rd and Mission.  Yesterday, their hard work was rewarded with a visit from Niners tight end Vernon Davis, still radiant after helping the team earn their first playoff berth in years, who stopped by to sign the piece and yuck it up with local media.

While not quite as astounding as Taqueria Vallarta’s “batshit insane” Niners mural, the fact that San Franciscans are interested in their football team again is a good thing for the city.  Let’s just try not to riot again if they end up winning it all!

[Second photo by Alisa]

There are lies above us


Disembodied head speaks

Anybody have anything to say about Christians this Christmas season?

Can’t wait to see this movie

[via Ultracore]

New app spellchecks street names stamped in the sidewalk

Excellent news about happy hour

[via Talent Is An Asset]


Viral marketing for Rosamunde?

[Thanks, Lindsey!]


Mission St.