Kids write the darnedest sentences about 16th Street

Indeed, I’ve had some very jrugken nights on 16th.


[via osaraso]

Celebrate 4/19 with burlesque, body paint, and bluegrass

Get started a little early on this weekend’s 4/20 festivities this Friday at Brick and Mortar!  Check out all the details after the jump:


The day after last night’s epic coke party


Not quite as bad as the ultimate Whippits party aftermath, but seriously, that much caffeine could kill you.

On that note, I wonder which of the following when consumed in one night would make you feel the absolute crappiest the next day: 24-case of Coke, 60 or so Whippits, or an 8-ball to the dome?

Ultimate Whippits party aftermath


Someone lost a lot of brain cells last night, and they didn’t even have the decency to properly recycle the canisters this time! I swear, KIDS THESE DAYS.

Or perhaps they just baked a huge delicious cake and the resulting food coma induced so much lethargy that they couldn’t make it all the way to the appropriate bin? Yeah, that’s the ticket.


Walter White party kit

Among the many things for sale at the Fair Oaks Street Fair right now!

Soothing floor drugs available for a limited time only at Revolution Cafe


Scratch that itch, baby.

Junkie watermelon


There goes the neighborhood.

Where are you playing basketball with Serena Williams?

Whoa! Epic!

Did a crazy celebrity shout this in a TV interview this morning, or did a crackhead shout it near 17th and Capp last night?

Janebook has the answer here.

Acid is back

Janebook all but confirms it:

Jane: What are you doing tonight, want to go to that warehouse show?
Joe: Probably just going to Homestead. Gotta stay in the Mission, big day tomorrow.
Jane: Ooooh, what’s happening tomorrow?
Joe: Me and that guy Dan got some acid.

Huzzah! Let’s get fucked up!

[Photo by O.G. Old English]

Try Not To Get Sick Before Saturday

Yeah, so I guess that whole universal health care thing didn’t really work out. Nobody wants to be a communist, after all. So what are your options now?

Rupa Marya is a local medical doctor. She also happens to be the leader of the world-traveling band Rupa and the April Fishes. That makes her a pretty darn good authority on health care and how low-income folks with no insurance (most musicians and artists, for example) can access it. She is helping organize a free presentation on health care options in San Francisco this Saturday, January 8 from 2-3:30pm in the Mission. All are welcome.

Here are the details:

++CMF–Accessing Health Care for Artists in SF++

The Community Music Forum brings you another chapter. . .A FREE presentation of how to access services available at low cost (or no cost) in SF. This session is OPEN TO ALL—not just artists but will highlight health issues that tend to be more prevalent in SF’s art scene.

We will have a representative from SF’s HEALTHY SF there to demystify the enrollment process and answer any questions you have about HEALTHY SF–if you qualify for it (you probably do), what medications and services are covered, what is not covered and how you get set up.

We will also have a list of providers available from other healing traditions who provide sliding scale services. And if you have any random health questions, there will be a handful of doctors in the house.

COME ON BY! and RSVP so we can get a headcount and make enough chai.

The Porto Franco Art Parlor is the venue for this, and it’s located at 953 Valencia Street.

[photo by kapshure]