[via Box Dog Bikes]
Am I overreacting here or is this a legitimate complaint? Keep in mind this has been going on for months, and I assumed he would eventually figure it out, but the lack of adaptation compelled me to do some playful prodding.
See it bigger here.
It makes you feel like you’re riding your bike on the freeway without, you know, actually riding on the freeway. It used to be a bit more dangerous too, but recent lane striping and cycling logos now warn 55mph cars that bicycles will be on the road too. Regardless, the feeling you get while zipping down the ramp and taking in that Mission Terrace-style view is well worth it.
What are your favorite bike lanes in the city?
Here’s Chas from TCB Courier kicking ass in Indonesia last week:
Now order some lunch!
Reader Scott Cohen last night found there was nowhere to lock his bike outside the Phonebooth, so he locked to the digging bucket of this backhoe parked in the street. So resourceful!
P.S. Did you know backhoes are also known as rear actors and back actors? Wild.
A nice touch added to the bicycle ramp over the Gauntlet. Or is it called the Hairball? Regardless, it’s obviously the raddest intersection in the city.