Muni Diaries recently began running BART stories in addition to their bread and butter. Today’s gem from Beth W. takes place at the 16th Street station. An excerpt:

“I shit my pants!” shouted Poncho Guy. “GET ME A NAPKIN!” He was talking to Mop Dude. When Mop Dude didn’t respond right away, Poncho Guy came over to him and repeated the order. Not wanting to be near anyone who’d just lost control of his bodily functions, I opted to flee to the other side of the breezeway…

And that’s just the beginning. Link.


BART Police Are OKKK by Amor de Cosmos.

BART Swing on Mission Mission.

BART Boner on Mission Mission.

Monday Night at Amnesia


Toshio Hirano killed as usual. This was the first time in a while that I’d seen him perform sans backing band, and it was a welcome return to basics. Those old Jimmie Rodgers tunes never sound so good as when it’s just Toshio, his guitar and his yodel.

This was also my first experience with Amnesia‘s new men’s room. It’s much nicer, much cleaner, but still no soap, still no paper towels. What gives?

Best Thing About Casanova Bathroom

Says Geoffrey Ellis:

Best thing about bathroom @ casanova bar in sf? Smell of the taqueria next door. Worst thing? See previous statement.


Roxie Retrofit

The Roxie is looking at making some changes, and they’re interested in some feedback from the community. The historic theater is under new management, and they want to make the place great again, so here’s what they want to know:

Is it the programming?  Less documentaries?  Repertory programming?  Midnight movies?

What about a membership program that included talks with local directors or classes or VIP access to local events?  Discounts to local merchants? Would you be willing to pay $5/month for a membership program like that?

Is it the seats? Do you honestly really care about the damn seats?  Would you rather have us invest money into a coherent visible marquee for showtimes or new seats with cupholders?

Is it the concessions? Do you want to see organic local gourmet treats? Maybe – but are you willing to pay more for them?  Or are you perfectly happy to have Skittles be your dinner during the 6:00pm show?

What about music events?  Would you pay extra to see your favorite local band before the 8:00pm show?

What about film contests? Are you one of those people that gets off on the 48 Hour Film Festival and your shot at a potential 15 min of fame? If you’re into it, would you be willing to coordinate it as part of a neighborhood organization?

More bike parking?

More free movie posters?

More events like the “Up the Oscars” annual party?

More weird toppings for the popcorn?

How do you feel about our recent $5 Mondays? Yeah, if you like it so much, how come you’re not in line? (Besides the fact that you figured out we haven’t shown pornos here since 1974…)

I hope the bathrooms stay the same; they’re very photogenic. But how about serving beer and pizza, like that badass (and very community-oriented) Parkway Speakeasy Theater in Oakland?

Get in touch via the Roxie Theatre Facebook Page, or shoot an email to sfschism(att)yahoo(dott)com.

Photo by Melissa Gira.

Toilet Trouble


This morning I was lamenting how we don’t have as much action in the bathrooms category as we used to, and then boom Carlos Reyes posts this highlight from last night’s Thrasher Magazine Skater of the Year Party. Nice job, skaters! I like the Bud Light in the shitter where it belongs. See the rest of the party coverage here, and the after party here.

Dolores Park Ladies Room Graffiti

Katie ventured inside and found this good stuff.

Tagging the Bejesus out of the Dolores Park Bathroom Building

What’s the deal? Get it prettier at least.

Toilet Paper Laser Face

Local artist Laura Mappin finally figured out how to laser etch an image of her own face onto a toilet paper tube. Kudos, Laura! Read the whole touching story here.

Previously on Mission Mission:

Laura Mappin’s Cock Doilies

The Duality of Man

Scenes from two Mission District bathrooms.

Warthog-Faced Little Bo Peep Graffiti

She’s popping right out of the toilet bowl at Thrillhouse Records. Adorable, right?