Murals In Progress

They’re usually covered up by overly affordable travel gear or something when this Mission Street business is open, but at night I got a peek at some new murals in progress. They’re not nearly done yet, as you can see, but it’s never too early to take some guesses as to the artistic intentions.
Mural in Progress 1
Some kind of folk icon? Anti-authoritarian, definitely.

Mural in Progress 2
Then you’ve got this next one, got some buildings in there. Looks like maybe a straightened Leaning Tower of Pisa in the middle. But it’s in the clouds? Probably Valhalla.

The Bartinator

He must be mad about the impending BART service cuts.  Someone forgot to tell him about the extra $26 million of restored public transit funding for which the Governator (just keeping in theme) recently signed legislation.  That means no fare increases or service cuts . . . for now.

Anyone down to turn this into an arcade game?

UPDATE!!!  Or maybe he’s just pissed that Tony Pirrone is still walking free despite his alleged role in the Oscar Grant murder, and he’s going to shut down the Embarcadero BART station with a protest during rush hour today to demand justice.

[Illustration courtesy of Steve via Black Maps]

Bike Lockers: Why?

I just noticed these bike lockers by the 19th / Broadway BART Stop in Oakland:

The way this system works is you get some kind of smart card similar to Translink or FastPass. It maintains a balance of funds (like $20) which you use to gain access to the locker. The rates are an arbitrarily low 3-5 cents per hour.

I’m not sure I get the point. Sure it may be superficially more secure for long term parking, but it’s also a waste of space (only 4 bikes fit in the lockers seen above), nowhere near ubiquitous, expensive to maintain, and seems to encourage people to not carry a real lock. According to BART these are available in mostly east bay cities.

Has anyone used one of these and find it to be more practical or secure than hitching up next to a parking meter?

The King Koopa Look Is So Hot Right Now

Saw a fashionable young lady sporting this backpack the other day on BART. I instinctually wanted to jump on her head to dispatch her, but realized that doing so would cause me to lose my fireflower. Where’s a Kuribo’s Shoe when you need one?

Take a Seat

Mission photographer ::novocainated:: recently sat down a bunch of random strangers above the 24th Street BART stop and took their portraits.

Were you one of them?

Also, apparently the guy above was merely off to a party and doesn’t wear a kilt all the time.  Too bad!

Previously: Cops are Good Listeners

Pigeon Tragedy

16th and Mission BART

What ever happens to these pigeons that get stranded on the lowest level of BART? I can’t imagine that they all are able to find their way out. Do they enter the tunnels only to get smacked by a train? Do they fly into a train and get unwillingly deported to Concord?

Anyone want to set up a benefit for these little guys? We’ll guest bartend!

Hold Her as Close as Possible

in order to normalize optimal digestion temperature.  98.6 totally works, but a little warmer won’t hurt.