Rat Fink?
Some couple (not pictured) is going to be making out all day today at SFMOMA (pictured). It’s for art’s sake:
The performance will take place at the Atrium of SFMOMA from the time door opens (11:00am) till the time door closes (5:45pm), during which time the couple will be continuously making out in public view. The Atrium is a transitional space in SFMOMA which does not require a ticket to enter.
Cool! Free show! Let’s head on over and see how heavy it gets.
A tipster sent us these pics of the latest addition to the ongoing collaborative mural by Public Works started by Banksy during his 2010 promotional surge through the city. This augmentation was allegedly added by none other than French pioneering stencil artist Blek Le Rat.
More pics after the jump.
I took BART today for the first time in ages, and was immediately reminded that A.) I do not like being in a small crowded areas with people picking their nose next to me, B.) I really need to fix my bike brake, and C.) didn’t they release some study a few weeks ago about fecal matter on BART seats OHMYGOD no one touch me.
After scrubbing my hands raw, I came across this completely AWESOME solution to our BART bacterial bacchanal:
How nifty is this? Ishknits, a knitting connoisseur based in Philly, needs to come to San Francisco ASAP and help us with our small, possibly outbreak-esqe problem and hook us up with some knit seat covers!
[via Wooster]
Reader Rob sent in this shot of a incredible new-ish mural up on 24th and Florida on what he calls “one of the crappiest buildings in the Mission”.
It is a phoenix, right? I was gonna say chicken, but that would have been offensive to people who care.
[Thanks Rob!]