Sea lions overtake Giant Value building

I guess they were running out of barge space at Fisherman’s Wharf.

[Photo by fredsharples]

Raymond Mariani opening and People’s Biennial Catalogue reception tonight at People’s Gallery

People’s Gallery is a space on 20th and Folsom slated for one year of art events. The second opening is tonight and it’s work by Raymond Mariani. Looks like a cool show:

[Thanks, Joe! Photo from People's Gallery.]

One of these things is not like the others


At first I was confused — what does it mean?! And why kankles? But thankfully, Google saved the day, yet again. Remember that dude we saw wearing chicken feet and mud on his head at the Noise Pop festival in February? His name’s Jason Jaworski, and it turns out Sprinkles Sparkles and Kankles is his website.

Given the complicated and sometimes messy nature of his previous work, I am surprised the sticker is so simple, but hey, it got the job done. Now we’re all looking at the website.

Brunch hate

Reader Lisza encountered these signs on her way home from brunch today:

I encountered this saddening hatred on my way home from brunch (with a high bun no less)!

Thanks, Lisza!

Here’s one more:

Valencia pranksters up to something again

All has been quiet at this mysterious apartment on Valencia at Liberty since their botched escape attempt, so naturally I was intrigued as to what this latest piece of gadgetry might be.  If you’re too lazy to walk by yourself, there’s a few closer looks after the jump:


1462 Paper Snowflakes

This late afternoon Cody Frost will be creating performance art in the window of Adobe Books. Check out the promo video below.

First the Eagle, now Kitsch

Night Fog Reader (written by Kitsch Gallery insiders) has the scoop:

Kitsch Gallery (at 17th and Capp Street) will shut down at the end of May. The skinny is that the owner won’t renew the collective’s lease. Negotiations were held regarding the timing of the lease, but an agreeable situation was out of the question. We are all saddened by this outcome, but the good news is that Kitsch will not quietly disappear. The month of May will be very special. Planned are four final events to share with our friends and community.

Well, that’s somewhat heartening I suppose, but where are we all gonna hang out come the end of May? Read on.

Aid Japan by buying local art

[via Bay Area Artists for Japan]

Art opening tonight features collages by Matt Gonzalez

Does anybody in this neighborhood even remember Matt Gonzalez anymore? He was all we talked about for one three-month period most of a decade ago.

In any case, he’s a lawyer and political figure and stuff, but he also makes collages with found scraps. We saw some of it a couple years back. Good stuff!

Tonight at 6:30 is the opening of a new show at a.Muse called Scissors vs. Brush: Collage by Matt Gonzalez/Paintings by Tom Schultz. Full press release after the jump:


Conflicted Pepper

Conflicted Pepper

This little chili is all at once a little bit happy to see you, but also overheated from running in the desert heat, and experiencing some nervousness that is inspiring unfortunate violent actions toward a specific taco.

You can figure it out for yourself at El Gran Taco Loco. (warning, autoplay music)