Parking attendant’s first day on the job – or really badass modern art installation?

I mean, this garage is right by SFMOMA, right?

Anyway, SFist seems to think it’s an actual accident. Boooring.

[via Storts]

Toilet horror

[via C'mon Pony]

How to reclaim public space by building a DIY bench and sitting on it

Our pal Broke-Ass Stuart just texted this image in. I believe he’s already hard at work on a bench of his own.

Iconic 19th Street ‘Mac and Cheese’ sidewalk etching gets filled with actual mac-and-cheese powder

And then you suck it out with a straw? Fair.

(Thanks, Melena!)

Animal seat on Lexington Street

Animal Seat

Animal throne thrown away.

Get your tintype portrait on Valencia Street

We stopped by the grand opening party of Photobooth yesterday, and were surprised to see the storefront (which some of you may remember as a two-story acupuncture clinic) transformed into a vast, high-ceilinged space resembling an Apple Store. Photobooth is a portrait studio, gallery, retail store, and a new addition to the Mission arts scene, run by local photographers Michael Shindler and Vince Donovan.

Shindler and Donovan, who specialize in Civil War-era tintypes and Polaroids respectively, run a live portrait studio in the storefront during open hours offering two modes of instant gratification ($20 for Polaroid, $40 for tintype). The retail portion is stocked with retro camera gear, including refurbished Polaroid cameras, the entire Lomography toy camera line, and Polaroid film from the Impossible Project. The space will also feature local photographers, host events and openings, and hold alternative photography classes.


Beautiful swear wear

Remember Beautiful Swear Words? Fucktard. Vajayjay. FUUUUUUUUUCK. All your favorite curses illustrated by hand. We saw the T-shirt potential and the call has been answered.

Each shirt will be available for one week. The first? “SHIIIT“.

A note to our young readers: you probably can’t wear these at school. Once my friend Cameron wore his “Green Day: Dookie” T-shirt and our science teacher sent him to the principals office! He said the shirt was “drug related”. Whatever, old dude.

Two art openings to attend tonight

The first because it features work by Carina Johnson. We use Carina’s photography so much here on the blog that we should really just have her on the payroll at this point.

The second because it’s nothin’ but Jihaari. You might remember Jihaari Terry from the Q&A we did with him last month all about common courtesies and working in the service industry.

DIY coat of arms

Miss Jones says:

My neighbor has this hanging just below my staircase. People always ask me about the significance of the scissors, I’m not really sure.

Love it. Read on.

Vertically stacked garbage bins replaced with flag installation anchored by compost bin which poses clotheslining danger to area texter-walkers

[via Audrey again, who ''saw a girl texting and walking nearly get clotheslined by it'']