San Francisco in colors

Our pal Jen just finished up this mesmerizing ink on paper depiction of San Francisco that I simply cannot stop staring at! Every block in the city is represented by a different color, separated by every street.  I think my block is lime green.  This may well be the raddest map of the city ever.

See it bigger right here, and be sure to check out the rest of Jen’s amazing stuff here!

Bullhorn handlebars

Have some old bike parts lying around that you haven’t figured out what to do with? Might I suggest taking a page from Picasso’s book of interior design, and making this sweet bull’s head sculpture? Less creepy than a real animal’s head, and more macho than one of those Paxton Gate plush animal head trophies.

See this piece (and many others) in person at the de Young through October 11th.

24 Hour Comic Book Day is tomorrow!

24 Hour Comic Book Day

Tomorrow morning, 11:00AM sharp marks the beginning of this year’s 24 Hour Comic Book Day at Mission: Comics & Art. Artists have until Sunday morning to create an original 24-page comic book, without help from any preconceived ideas or storyboards, and the entire process is open to the public. Our very own Ariel Dovas will be participating, so stop by and cheer him on (and maybe bring him some coffee).

[Photo via Laughing Squid]

Build your own parklet annex

Most of you know about Deep, aka Trikeasaurus, and all of you by now have spotted the sweet triceratops parklet in front of his house (the first residential parklet in San Francisco, in fact). Some of you may have noticed the plywood barricade recently erected around Deep’s garage. As I was passing through last night, a friend of Deep’s (pictured) was in the middle of painting this triceratops mural over the street-facing portion.

Apparently, Deep is expanding his parklet back into his driveway, and construction is now underway. As for the mural, the plywood was getting tagged on the regular, so Deep’s buddy figured that a huge thunder lizard mural might be a good way to “keep things clean” until the new parklet expansion is unveiled.

Troll window goes disco

If you don’t already know about the troll window, it’s right around the corner from Taqueria El Buen Sabor on 18th and Valencia. Currently, it’s rocking this epic display.

Unemployment consequences

Sounds good to me!

[via Meesha]

Mr. Pickle goes to space

[via cellybrain]

Felt so good

Gravel & Gold is hosting a felting class this weekend:

Having a soft spot for soft sculptures, vintage funk & flash and the like, I personally can not WAIT to get my hands wet with woolen craft goodness! Please sign up in an expedited fashion as we only have 5 spots left. The workshop will be held “off-site” at our Gravel & Gold Mama Lion Den Annex up in the Duboce Park area. Full location deets will be given upon your R.S.V.P.

Sun 8.11.2011 5:00pm-8:00pm

$60 bucks includes instruction & materials

R.S.V.P. to

Adult bevies welcomed


Treeful of fake fruit


(Thanks, Shannon!) (Bon voyage, Tegan!)

New art parklet in front of Fabric8

Check out this sweet new parklet that just popped up in front of Fabric8, designed by Erik Otto. Built with recycled materials, it features planter boxes full of flowers, a color-changing light house, and four bean bag chairs. When completed, the parklet will serve as a neighborhood gallery of kid-friendly public art. Proposal sketches and more information are available here.