Cool new painting by Mildred.
My buddy Joan, who recently returned after a stint in L.A., immediately got to work putting her new apartment building on a shirt. I don’t remember exactly where it is, but if you recognize it you can stalk her, although she lives with her boyfriend and he’s a pretty big dude, so be careful out there guys. Otherwise just buy the shirt!
You’ve undoubtedly wandered past many murals here in the Mission. Perhaps you’ve wondered how they originally got there, or perhaps you don’t even give a shit. Should your proclivities tend towards the former, however, here are two distinct behind-the-scene looks of how it all goes down. Above, there’s some serious ladder action going on for a mural in progress on the side of Casa Guadalupe at 26th Street, with more pics of the process here. Below, check out a sweet timelapse of a commissioned mural now residing by the corner of Bartlett and 24th.
Study hard, then try it yourself (at home)!
David Cole is one of the geniuses that redesigned our blog for us earlier this year. Now he’s moved on to bigger and better things, namely the creation of custom Lego sets with custom-procured Lego pieces and hand-drawn instruction booklets.
I am excited to officially launch my shop with the release of the deer LEGO kit. I’ve tried building it with real pieces now, and I need to make a couple structural changes, but it will look the same. Also, I’m hand drawing the graphics for the instruction manual, which should be fun and painstaking.
Read on for the full story and pics of the instruction booklets, or just buy the kit here. Orders must be in by December 5th if you want it in time for Christmas. (David’s shop also has a kickass homemade crossword puzzle for sale.)
Doctor Popular is the creative force behind this diorama, which was installed early this morning in an empty newspaper dispenser on Market Street:
I’ve been wanting to do some sort of installations inside of the abandoned newspaper receptacles spread throughout our city, so I spent most of Thanksgiving creating a diorama of the UC Davis pepper spray incident which was installed in an empty newspaper bin on Market Street this morning (Black Friday). My hope was to install a piece to get people thinking about recent police violence while they were trying to do their holiday shopping. If I had more time I would have created many more dioramas based on scenes from New York and Oakland.
Read on for the full story and lots more pics. And here’s hoping Doc has more fun with abandoned news racks in the future.
This is but one piece of a new work of art by local genius C’mon Pony entitled “Salad.” The rest of the salad is just as disturbingly titillating.
From our pal Parisa:
Some awesome busy beaver is making the raddest mosaic art under the 101 on 16th st
Alright, which one of you busy beavers is it?
Spotted by Cranky Old Mission Guy, who adds the following:
Promises, promises… at 17th and Capp.
Take a note, bitch-ass taggers, and get your dibs in now.