Pair of puppies

One of them is wearing (a piece of) Andy’s Jolly Ranchers and Robitussin glasses!

[via Jess]

Balmy mural-in-progress

Reader Lily tipped us to a new mural-in-the-works in Balmy Alley. From the looks of it, this one will involve monkeys, clowns, and the 48.

Bureau of Gentrification sticker features cute cartoon butt-kick

Our pal YMFY spotted this little gag right here in the neighborhood and wants to know who’s behind it. [link]

UPDATE: I mean that the cartoon overall is cute. The butt is obvs not cute.

Dolores Park in gouache and ink

I love the trippy foreshortening, like it’s dreamed Dolores instead of real Dolores. It’s supposed to be like 80 degrees this weekend btw. Can’t wait!

[via SashaEmily]

Emoji man giving the finger and jacking off onto emoji woman’s face and tits

I can’t say for sure who this Nick Fisher character is (but one wonders if possibly he’s the Nick Fisher from the New Twitter #space video or the Nick Fisher from our Dr. Teeth Death Sauce movie), but he’s either a genius or a real sicko or a real sicko genius.

New 780 Valencia mural in progress

While it’s going to take a lot to replace the awesomeness of the hammocked ladies in the original mural, Jonathon here is definitely up to the task.  He’ll probably paint your house if you ask him too.

(Photo by Chris!)


Telegraph Hill parrot in street stencil form

[via Synecdochectomy]

780 Valencia mural laid to rest

Looks like those hammocked ladies have finally caught their bus. It’s always sad to see a piece of art get painted over like that. This one was created by Rocky Villanueva in the summer of 2010, and you can see his process here. Anyone know what (if anything) is going up in its place?

[via The Fog Bender]


You may know of THE THING Quarterly, a project by local artists Jonn Herschend and Will Rogan. It’s a quarterly art . . . thing that is designed by a different guest artist every time and sent out to the subscribers.

In between the official THE THINGs they produce a side art project, taking place purely in the realm of snail mail, or what we used to call “the mail”, called SASE. They explain:

SASE is an ongoing project of THE THING where we commission individuals to produce a limited edition project that must fit within a standard envelope and is free and available to anyone who sends us a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope). SASE #3 is the third in a series of four SASE projects commissioned by THE THING Quarterly.  Past contributors include San Francisco-based graphic designers MacFadden & Thorpe and visual artist Suzanne Husky.

SASE #3 will be released in Summer 2012 as an edition of about 200.  A $500 honorarium will be awarded to the selected contributor.  THE THING will cover production costs.  Those submitting should be prepared to work with us on developing their proposal so that it can be printed within our budget.

Anyone is welcome to apply.

Further details and project guidelines are on their site. I dig it. Let’s find new things to mail and try to keep the post office alive! If we don’t need to send letters or bills, what else can we be sending?

You Rock • Love You

Now that Instagram isn’t cool anymore (I mean, as if it was cool before, shyah, as if!) I thought I’d feel free to share the ultimate uncool photo with you all. Latte art.

I don’t usually go to Muddy Waters, even though they’re right around the corner from my house. I don’t know why. I grew up in a college town and maybe they have too much of that college town feel for my liking. Anyway, I got over myself one day (well, really only for about an hour) and stopped in for a soy latte and a regular latte for my special girl. Now, I’ve been around the Mission a bit and I’ve seen all the hearts, leaves and spinal columns, etc. that baristas are arting into the foam atop my drinks. Not so easily impressed.

Well, here I am. Impressed.

And in a good mood before I even take a sip. Sometimes all you need is some empty positive reinforcement.