What sort of testicle?

[via Hood Rat Stuff]

Watch some rad videos and eat El Metate and drink beer

Our pal Stella from SF MOMA says:

If you are in the mission tonight (let’s face it you never leave) come by Galeria de la Raza and watch some rad artist videos (and eat el metate and drink beer)

Done and done! And according to Stella’s Instagram, apparently at least one of the videos addresses the issue of class warfare. Read more about the event here.

UFOs, sombreros, bright colors and psychedelia

Dennis Micheal Kernohan is one of our favorite dudes, and tonight his show opens at Gravel & Gold:

Please join us in celebrating this magical man and his abundant talent. Dennis, the man everyone knows and loves, the man with a permanent smile and long locks of silver glory, the man you want to see everyday and the man who knows when you need a hug. From carpentry to farming, punk rock to hanging ten, Dennis has done it all and now he brings you his art! This will be Dennis’s first show in 25 years. Heavy on the UFO’s, sombreros, bright colors and psychedelia, he has a way of making the most simple of shapes seriously mind bending. Bring a beer, bring a friend and bring some bucks ’cause you will not want to miss out on nabbing up one of his pieces.

RSVP and invite your friends!

Nightmarish and rad

The artist’s name is AJ Fosik, and he has an opening at Guerrero Gallery on Saturday. Expect lots more like this beauty.

[via We Love Art & Design]

It’s a winged horse charging at an enemy or something

Ghostbusters pumpkin!

[via The Saddest of Happy People]

Evil lil stain

Happy lil stain

Cartoon vadge and peen backstage at Rickshaw Stop drawn by JD Samson of Le Tigre and Ninja of Die Antwoord

(I mean, they’re really good, but they’ve got nothing on this.)

[via Chirp]

Lou Reed looks like Frankenstein (‘s monster)

I didn’t say.  Greer said it!

Btw, The Mallard has been killing it lately!  Do yourself a favor and go see them already!
