The Halloween Critical Mass ride is always one of my favorite events of the year because I inevitably get to watch 3 bananas savage some aggro dude in an SUV.
The Halloween Critical Mass ride is always one of my favorite events of the year because I inevitably get to watch 3 bananas savage some aggro dude in an SUV.
Look, our immigration laws are complete bullshit, but the reality of Murat’s (the The Amuse-Bouche Guy) situation is just absurd. This guy is married to a U.S. citizen, could have easily stayed here legally, but instead just let his visa expire while he chilled out selling muffins. His plight is a fucking insult to everyone that has to fight to be here illegally, who have to endure watching their loved ones get deported back countries with oppressive regimes in power while they work for slave wages because of their government-mandated undocumented status, all the while having absolutely no chance to be here legally.
Murat had the golden ticket and opted to not cash it in. Let’s have a conversation about the people with real problems.
Get sick:
Reading Brolores Park is better than watching The Office on Hulu:
As mayor and former next door neighbor to Lark In the Morning, I feel I must say a few words in eulogy.
Lark in the Morning was a store for bros. Not regular mnstrm bros, but bros who truly understand what it means to be authentic. Bros could be seen going in and out of Lark in the Morning from morn til night, seeking authenticity in the form of banjos, ukeleles, bagpipe reeds, and all other manner of authentic musical instruments. Walking into the store was like walking into one’s ancestral bro home. The ceiling and walls weren’t all corporate and bare, but instead looked like something you’d find in a locked, hidden room in a Scottish castle, being a bower of wood, string, and pipes.
Living next to Lark in the Morning gave me a sense of connection to the authentic brommunity, as it must have to all the bros who larked about its doors. Lark in the Morning, u will be missed. May your stores lark in the heavens with medieval banjo accompaniment. <3 U /// MISS U /// R.I.P.
A tipster informs us that Lark in the Morning has shut their doors because they can’t stand for their world class music to be near such mediocre pizza. ”Moving guys are there clearing everything out.”
Kevin hits us with this gem:
Just thought I’d share this. Two officers came into the cafe I work at yesterday to remind us about the no drinking on Halloween and ask to put up a notice in the front window. Either they are not taking there job seriously or they were a bit drunk themselves. They still get points for effort.
It’s hard to take yourself seriously when your job consists of helping Gavin win an election by holding fun hostage.
I’ve been seeing this oversized cow around Dolores Park lately, casually walking over lounging boys and girls like ants. Now he’s terrorizing people just trying to enjoy the simple pleasures of a six-dollar quiche.
Carlos Reyes peeped this shit recently (warning: mp3 auto-play):
what the fuck. no thanks. that’d be like drinking water light
A quick Google query indicates they’ve been making this for a few years now. How have I never seen this before? Also, this photo reminds me of the Enterprise accelerating to light speed, which is pretty much what happens to my personality whenever I drink a few of these.
I’m going against my better judgment and posting this. Kat’s post has the full story.
Jackson, via email, hits us with this craptastic news:
A power outage has hit Thrift Town and a couple of other shops near Mission and 17th, impacting Halloween costume shopping plans until at least tomorrow.
Crackheads, peep this free-shit bonanza:
I love it when our oppressors try to relate and bro-down with us via hip spellings like “thanx.” That shows they “get it.”
Found at 17th and Hoff by Cranky Old Mission Guy.