Mission Cliffs replaces bouldering floor

Heads up, climbers: for the next two days, the bouldering area at Mission Cliffs will be closed as new foam floors are installed. Meanwhile, new problems have been set on the main floor. And there’s always Valencia Cliffs

Check out the installation’s progress on Mission Cliffs’ Facebook page.


Make-Out Room gets a new sign

Finally, a real sign for the Make-Out Room, and a sparkly sequined purple one, at that! Gone is the top marquee sign, with its friendly reminder to show some lovin’ to your sweetheart.

As shown above in animated GIF glory, the sequins’ slight movements in the wind produce an impressive kinetic shimmering effect. Reminds me of the installation inside the SFO BART station entrance:

Or the backs of Alhambra water trucks:


Magical Meter Maid Barbie

Ages 3 and up. Parking tickets sold separately.

Previously (apparently, we have quite the history of Barbie posts):

The Mission follows me everywhere I go

Spotted hundreds of miles away in a completely different part of this state!


House Jenga

Ever wondered what your Mission residence’s foundation looks like? As this gutted Fair Oaks house demonstrates, it might resemble a popular party game.

Hot new look for summer: matching your drink cans

Photos via Suckin’ Dick Next To Me and Vic Wong, respectively.

Well-dressed man selling fruit cups in Dolores Park

Thanks, Jerry!

Dog eared wisdom

A little nugget of wisdom from your local bookstore.


Let me guess. You transport fruit?

Crap meat

Oh come on, Thanh Tam II. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


Helen Tseng

Posts: 214

Email: helen (at) missionmission.org

Website: http://helentseng.com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/wolfchirp

Biographical Info:

Helen is a designer and illustrator. She was born on a full moon during the hour of the wolf. On Tuesdays, she casts sonic spells on BFF.fm. She has had cameos in two hip hop music videos.