Yesterday’s crime scene metagram was a paint-blasted bag of money from a botched bank robbery

In our haste to report on the future of journalism, we kind of forgot about the actual story on why there happened to be a (seemingly) bloody bag of money on the sidewalk.  Luckily, Gareth the photographer fills us in:

“Not a bag of blood, a bag of paint bombed money. Bank had been robbed, dude ran up the street (this is in temescal, oakland), paint bomb went off in the bag of cash, dude dropped it and the note that said: ‘This is a robbery give me all the cash I have a gun.’”

More over at SFist.

[Photo by John Birdsall]



Instagramming the crime scene

The future of journalism is already here.

[Metagram by Gareth]

Biking through Lake Dolores

Is this bad for your bike?  Because I did something like this and now I’m worried about the whole thing crumbling from rust or some shit like that.

[Photo by Jeff Elder via SF Citizen]

Arizmendi’s new mascot


Or perhaps they’re just preparing parrot pizza.

Is the Knockout haunted? And does living in SF for 10 years qualify you as a citizen?

Local bartender, musician, DJ, and all-around rad guy Josh Yule was recently interviewed in the SF Examiner, and he had some fairly interesting things to say:

I’m from Florida. I don’t want to piss off my Florida friends. Florida has a different way of thinking. Most people there aren’t forward-thinkers, they’re backward-thinkers. And that’s why I came out this way. I wanted to get as far away from the South as possible. I think I’m a San Franciscan now. I think after 10 years, I have my residency — I hope. I’ve been told by a friend who grew up here that after 10 years, I am a citizen of San Francisco.

I hope he’s right, because that means I’ll be an official citizen soon too!  There are plenty more poignant tidbits, like how to make a French 74 and whether or not the Knockout is haunted, so read on.

[Photo by the talented Beth LaBerge]

Urban Taco Fabricator

You can complain about how Tacolicious on Valencia Street is ruining the flavor of the hood and gentrifying the fuck out of the place all you want, but just be grateful that we don’t have an Urban Taco Fabricator like they do in LA.


[Via Vice]

24th Street BART hobos hold midnight Prince Chaka Khan flash mob dance party [VIDEO]

Good to see they got my tweet.  Who says that hipsters get to have all the fun?  I hope they woke up that NIMBY jerk who got the city to ban DJs at the Attic.


Celebrate Thanksgiving with Lee Harvey Oswald’s girlfriend at the Roxie

And she’s got a lot to say, namely that Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT the lone assassin of JFK.  Someone get Oliver Stone on the line!  In the meantime, destroy all electronic devices that have accessed this communication, and don’t be surprised if the CIA pays you a visit after you check out all the details after the jump…


What does it take to get some phone reception in this city?


So I’ve got this rainbow of an idea…

Beige on beige


Car-ma chameleon.

Andrew Sarkarati

Posts: 1023

Email: andrew (at)


Biographical Info:

Andrew likes pizza, videogames, and bicycles. He also plays drums in La Corde. His greatest contribution to mankind is Taco Thursday.