Forget your lock and your buddy’s U-lock wont fit around both of your frames? Try this method, which was observed at Make-Out Room last night:
Be sure you have secure bolts on those wheels, though. Otherwise someone might quick release your rear wheel and Mission Mission may pose for a team photo in front of your bike while you look on dejectedly.
i suppose a guy could stack up to like 5 bikes and then just lock the top one? you think?
eh those bikes are shitty. I think a double knot might have discouraged any shysty stypes
that top bike is actually worth at least $600, but as much as $1000
Love it.
Fucking fixie idiots..
Pretty much.
I’d be more worried about some drunken idiot deciding to stomp out my spokes
Yeah, that was my same thought when I saw this picture. People can be total fuckwads when it comes down to it.
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