Sky on fire

[via Bel]

Steph Curry shirt by Amos Goldbaum (Go Warriors!)

If you’re confused, maybe this will help:

Or maybe it won’t.

In any case, score one of your own (in unisex or womens’ sizes) by looking for Amos Goldbaum out by Rhea’s on Valencia, or by visiting the Amos Goldbaum website.


This article from 15 years ago mirrors yesterday’s news about condo plans at 19th and Bryant

Yesterday we published a post about developers’ plans to raze a whole city block at 19th and Bryant in order to build a giant condo complex. In the comments section, neighbor TBone hipped us to this vintage article from the year 2000, which laments an eerily similar condo complex plan — one you just may recognize:

The project is being proposed by Stein Kingsley Stein Investments (SKS) (partly financed by the late William Simon, Treasury secretary under Reagan). SKS is also rehabbing a nearby warehouse into an office building at 19th and Harrison Streets. SKS’s headquarters are in the former Green Glen laundry building at 18th and Folsom — another SKS office conversion project.

SKS is notorious for having been the biggest contributor to Mayor Willie Brown’s re-election campaign (plopping down $100,000 in political juice).

The Bryant Square site also includes the former Pacific Felt Co. brick factory building, which was rehabbed into 35 live/work lofts (at prices up to $610,000), called “The Mill.” In the photo below The Mill is the brick building at left, the three-story curtain wall building at right formerly housed a sweater factory (now evicted).

Read on for lots more info and criticism, and more photos. Or jump straight to any of the following topics:

Braindead Growth
New Edge Downtown without Transit Support
Environmental Injustice
Displacing Artists and Blue-Collar Industry
A Daily Tsunami of Muscle Cars
Open Space: Gated Fortress or Public Plaza?
Approval Sparks Uproar

(I actually have some friends who live in this place now. One is an elementary school P.E. teacher, one is a lawyer, and they’re very nice people.)

This bougainvillea

[via George]

Truck is closing

Capp Street Crap, the best news source in San Francisco, has the scoop:

More sad news for the Mission. After 8 years at the corner of 15th and Folsom streets, gay bar Truck will soon close. One of the owners Matt announced the news this afternoon on his Instagram account.


According to public records, Truck’s liquor license is being transferred to a business called The Wooden Nickel. [link]

[Photo by Google Maps]

This cactus

[via Molly McGhee]

Steph Curry Sausage, now available at 4505 Meats (Go Warriors!)

[via 4505 on Instagram]

Eighty-Five Song Happy Hour, where Nick Pal plays short songs because life is short

Longtime Mission Mission contributor (and originator of our occasional Drink of the Week series) Nick Pal has started anew as a DJ instead of a blogger. He hosts four different shows on BFF on Sunday afternoons, and he does this happy hour gig every first Wednesday at Pop’s.

Last first Wednesday, Nick Pal played a lot of great short rock ‘n’ roll songs, from the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s, ’00s and maybe the ’10s too, including this jam:

See y’all tonight!

I guess they seriously want to raze an entire block (at 19th and Bryant) to make room for condos

In the comments section of our Facebook post about the blog “Man Lines”, neighbor Spike K. posted the above photo and the following:

the next fight, and without the moratorium its crucial to come and protest: on June 18th, the planning commission will hear the developers request for a demolition permit to raze the entire block of Bryant st, between 18th and 19th st, the former Cell Space, Tortilla Flats, the A.C.T. prop and scene shop losing 50 union jobs, the auto repair shop that’s been there for decades, losing 9 blue collar jobs, and a local landscaping firm. come to the mtg 6/18 at 12 noon at city hall, room 400, and say no to this request to destroy our neighborhood and put up 200+ luxury homes.

Dominant Legs update

After taking the world by storm back in 2011, local band Dominant Legs played one last show and then I guess disappeared? Well here’s an update:

Now let’s listen to the song that defined the Summer of 2011 in San Francisco, their unforgettable single ”Hoop of Love” (the video is really good too):

(Thanks, Lizzy!)

UPDATE: Here’s a new demo, released just a couple months ago…

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission