The best restaurant in the Mission is F.O.B. Kitchen

The only trouble is that right now they’re only a restaurant in the Mission as an occasional brunch popup at Cease & Desist. (They’re also doing dinner this Wednesday night a little further out Mission Street at a great little neighborhood bar called Doctor’s Lounge.)

Anyway it’s Filipino food made with quality ingredients and a lot of good vibes, and every time I eat there it’s all I can think about for a week. (And I’ve eaten there every week for about a month or so, so it’s basically all I can think about.) (It’s the best.)

Follow F.O.B. Kitchen on Instagram or F.O.B. Kitchen on Facebook for updates.

[Photos by F.O.B. Kitchen on Instagram]

Should tech dudes be more discriminating about which of their bros they trust with private details of their lives?

For instance, yesterday I was sitting in the park and a group of dudes sat down near me and started talking very loudly about a number of things.

One of them pointed out that big new high rise, in the background of the above photo, to the right of Mission High’s bell tower. He says a colleague of theirs is moving in to a 2-bedroom condo there.

“Guess how much he’s paying? … Fifty-eight!!”

He’s moving in next week and doesn’t have a roommate lined up any time soon, but he’s not worried about it. He’s just been promoted to senior developer at Netflix, says his friend, by way of explanation. It’s just $5800 a month.

“I get it, living in the high rise, with the view — and if you wanna fuck a bitch, in the window, and be all like, ‘This is MY city.’ ”

I get it.

Apparently the guy’s rationale is that he’s worked really hard for a long time living in shitty places and hasn’t really lived his life. And now he’s been promoted and he’s breaking up with girlfriend because she’s moving to Chicago and he can’t leave the Bay Area and doesn’t want to do the long distance thing. So now he’s ready to live his life. Gotta have a ridiculous condo.

The group speculated as to why their friend didn’t get a place in SoMa, so as to be closer to the train, and then they changed topics and started talking about a video game where there’s a woman who works for you, and you can turn her into a dog.

And then they started talking about whether or not they should “get another bottle of Chenin.”

Netflix is great though. BoJack Horseman and Kimmy Schmidt are the two best shows on TV right now if you ask me.

Sad face

What Dolores Park is like nowadays

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Messages from another world, scrawled on the sidewalk

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Save orphans in Nepal by getting drunk at Virgil’s this Saturday!

Here’s the deal:

Please join us Saturday July 25th from 9pm onwards at Virgil’s Sea Room for an evening of fun and frolics with toe thumping beats by:

Raton rose
Siobhan Avolot
Debbie DD & Skayda.

Head out onto the patio to see pieces from photographer Katie Hanrahan’s last trip to Nepal.

A portion of sales is kindly being donated by VIRGIL’S so you know…. Drink up kittens!

Let’s raise a bunch of money and awareness for ongoing relief efforts in Nepal. All the money we collect on the night will all go towards helping to build a new school at the Orphanage and pay for daily supplies. The name of the orphanage is the Disabled Rehabilitation Centre located in Katmandu.

RSVP and invite your friends!

Throwback Thursday: Back when this bench existed

It’s only been gone a month, but I miss it already.

[Photo by Cierra, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

How to celebrate an anniversary

[via Stokemonster]

‘In the Chips: Silicon Valley,’ a board game from the early Eighties about Silicon Valley

Local artist Jenny Odell just stumbled upon this relic at the dump. What a find!

Here’s the rundown, from BoardGameGeek:

“Welcome to the Silicon Valley! You’ll soon be traveling through the Santa Clara Valley on its main highway, earning income, buying a new car, buying a home, and making investment decisions. Naturally, you can succeed or fail; just like reality, some of the decisions are up to you.”

Many elements in this game are real businesses, Intel, HP, Varian, Memorex, San Jose Mercury, Stanford, San Jose State, Sant Clara Univ. Local major Banks, Auto dealers, Real Estate companies real places. Months of research planning and coperation and their participation. No one was ever charged to be in the game. It really played well. It would have to be done by 4 locals to understand how it had a strategy and used math skills other than counting bills.

One person surmised–Appears to be a conversion of ‘The Game of Life’ to a local region similar to the multitude of ‘-opolys’ -but never played it.

This board game was the most succesful in the region of San Francisco/Silicon Valley for 11/80-1/82 selling about 30,000 copies. Only behind a popular toy Rubik’s Cube. Later others ITC San Francisco, ITC Hawaii, ITC New York, RW Marathon Game, Dotto and lastly a solo effort the official-KFAT Gilroy Garlic Game 5K.

Read on for lots more — like lots — on the game’s inventor.

Also, there’s one — like only one — for sale on Amazon if you’re real interested.

Wheel of Karaoke West, like Wheel of Karaoke but with comedians!

Wheel of Karaoke sure has come a long way. Way back when it started last year, it was at the Make-Out Room and didn’t expressly involve comedians — and now it’s expanding west to Lost Weekend Video and it expressly involves comedians! The event is a week from today. Here’s the deal:

Everyone loves a great comedian, especially when they know how to cradle the delicate balance of insight and silliness, and there are fewer things in life more enjoyable than watching a group of great comedians gather to riff in-the-moment insults directed at each other.

Wheel of Karaoke West is the only show in San Francisco that involves comedians who sing, tell jokes, and give each other plenty of love taps in the process. In this new edition of the hit show “Wheel of Karaoke”, a new panel of comedians is assembled each month to practice slinging wisecracks both at the audience and each other, all the while remembering why they never cut it as a lead singer in their high school punk band. The format works as follows: each comedian takes a turn to tell their best jokes, then sings a karaoke song while performing a challenge selected by the “Wheel of Fate”. These challenges range from the frustrating, such as singing while upside down, to the absurd, like calling the would-be pop-star’s parents. After all is said and sung, the comedy panel calls forth their weapons of blunt honesty and sardonic wit to make fun of each other, while the audience grabs a drink from the bar, sits back, and lets the bellyaching begin.

July’s show features the following modern-day singing jesters:

Jesse Hett (SF Sketchfest, SJ Improv)

Matt Curry (Laughs Unlimited)

John Gallagher (Savage Henry Comedy Festival)

Aviva Siegel (SF Sketchfest)

Krista Fatka (SF Sketchfest, Redwood Comedy Festival)

and your host Brandon Garner (Wheel of Karaoke, Redwood Comedy Festival)

Enjoy it here in the Mission now, before it gets its own HBO show and moves to Los Angeles!

Oh and Mission Mission readers get a discount on tickets if you use the code MISSIONMISSION (or just use this link). Thanks, Wheel of Karaoke West!

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission