‘Uptown Homos’ night means a bit of the Lexington at the Uptown, tonight!

Capp Street Crap has the scoop:

Missing their old haunt, two devotees of the shuttered Lexington Club are putting on the first of what they hope will be a monthly queer night at the Uptown bar. Uptown Homos, “a dyke, lesbian, unicorn, trans queer night of flirtation,” takes place tonight, from 6 to 11 p.m.

Kelly Robbie Hansen and partner Tanya Wischerath worked with Uptown to put together the event which will feature $5 Jameson and tequila drink specials. Wischerath, a former Lexington Club bartender also known as “Hot Tanya,” will be helping out behind the bar.

Read on for more quotes and origin story.

Looking down at the Mission from high atop Starr King Open Space

What a view! Click on it to view it bigger.

Mission Comics and Art relocating to new digs on Mission Street

Capp Street Crap reports:

Owner Leef Smith said he decided to look for a new space after their 20th Street landlord wouldn’t agree to anything more than a new short-term lease renegotiated every couple of years.

As a small business owner in a pricey real estate market, the lack of long-term security was scary, and Smith thought he “could do better than that.”

“It definitely felt like I had to be proactive and not rely on the whims of a landlord,” he said.

Mission: Comics & Art’s new store will be at 2250 Mission between 18th and 19th streets, in what used to be Vimy Electronics. After nearly 40 years in business, the couple that owned the electronics store wanted to retire, Smith said. A contractor is now working to modernize the 1970s era space.

Read on.

[Photo by Wordfury]

Listen to this sad song by the Gooch Palms, and then see them tonight at the Chapel

Such an epic sad song! Such power and such simplicity.

(Okay, we did it: A whole week of posts about the Gooch Palms, who are playing tonight at the Chapel.)

This Ramones cover by the Gooch Palms proves you should see the Gooch Palms at the Chapel this Sunday

I doubt they’ll do any covers this Sunday (this track is from their “Shitty Tribute to the Ramones” EP from 2011), but it’s pretty rare you hear a decent Ramones cover — one that brings an intriguing new ingredient to an already perfect little gem. Am I right?

We’ve been saying it all week long, so hopefully by now you understand you should go see the Gooch Palms at the Chapel this Sunday night ;)

Just look at the Gooch Palms and tell me you don’t want to see them at the Chapel on Sunday night

I for one cannot imagine seeing this image and not wanting to see this band. (And the thing is, they’re even better than they look!)

Also, one of the opening acts is just called “Susan”.

Get more info and advance tickets here.

Now let’s rock:


Not sure I want to get into a rambling reminiscence of the days of Jack’s (way out 24th, past Potrero Avenue) and DJ Purple and mini-pitchers of Busch and drunken singalongs and blackout walks home and stolen bikes and broken hearts and lots and lots of Hall and Oates — but if you know what I’m talking about, you know what I’m talking about.

Now, Jack’s is still a boarded-up hole in the ground, and DJ Purple is still going strong elsewhere (Slate Bar on Thursdays), and we’re all too old for mini-pitchers of Busch — but KARAOKE IS RETURNING TO 24th STREET, thanks to Roger Niner and Pop’s.

And what’s more, Roger Niner has a good deal of stuff you don’t normally find at karaoke. Here are a handful that trip me out:

  1. “Dance Yrself Clean” by LCD Soundsystem
  2. “Seasons (Waiting on You)” by Future Islands
  3. “Hounds of Love” by the Futureheads
  4. “Nightcall” by Kavinsky (the song from Drive)
  5. “Later” by Dr. Dog
  6. “How Can U Love Me” by Unknown Mortal Orchestra

My pal Nattles did the LCD one last summer, and though it’s 9 minutes long and songs that long usually don’t go over well at karaoke, it was awesome. The crowd went wild throughout.

I did the Future Islands one last November after the Weezer show at Slim’s, and I did my best to channel that dude’s insane dancing abilities, and it was awesome.

Believe me, Roger Niner shows are… awesome.

Peruse Roger Niner’s songbook and see what other crazy gems he’s got.

And of course, RSVP and invite your friends!

See some local musicians live at Amnesia tonight, like you used to do in the old days

Full disclosure: I’m the DJ tonight. But I swear that fact does not color my enthusiasm for this lineup. These dudes rule…

Here’s a new jam by headliner (and maker of the lovely poster art) Ben Pearce:


And a whole album by Chris Klippel:

<a href=”http://chrisklippel.bandcamp.com/album/chris-klippels-self-proclaimed-greatest-hits” _mce_href=”http://chrisklippel.bandcamp.com/album/chris-klippels-self-proclaimed-greatest-hits”>Chris Klippel&#39;s Self-Proclaimed Greatest Hits by Chris Klippel</a>

And Jojo Brandel’s raucous New Year’s Eve ’13 performance at the Secret Alley, in its entirety:

C u 2nite

RSVP and invite your friends!

Demon spawn coming up through a crack in the sidewalk in the Mission

It’s kind of like when God gave me the finger.

[via Gray]

Flower and water

[via Ticklefight]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission