Last chance to score one of Helen Tseng’s wolfy feminist bike posters!

Helen designed these for ARTCRANK last year, and it’s about to go out of print (probably in advance of Helen’s new design for this year’s ARTCRANK), so get it while you still can.

[via Helen on Tumblr]

The Coathangers are playing tonight at Rickshaw Stop!

They’re possibly the best live band in rock ‘n’ roll right now. Do not miss.

Here’s the official blurb:

If you’re familiar with The Coathangers then you probably know the Atlanta group’s premise. The story goes that four young women decided to start a band for the sole purpose of being able to hang out and play parties. They weren’t going to let the fact that none of them knew how to play any instruments get in the way of their having a good time. The backstory certainly added to the charm of early songs like “Nestle In My Boobies” and “Stop Stomp Stompin’”–songs that resided somewhere between no-wave’s caustic stabs of dissonance and garage rock’s primal minimalism. In the seven years since their formation, The Coathangers have released a slew of records and toured across North America and Europe countless times. The persistence of such a casual endeavor is a testament to the infectious quality of their songs and the electric nature of their unruly live show.

Read more and get tickets here!

Afternoon party at El Rio tomorrow to support upstart local politicians Broke-Ass Stuart and Tom Temprano

Here’s the invite:

The Grand Ole’ Party – A Benefit Show for Broke-Ass Stuart & Tom Temprano

Donald Trump got you down? Ted Cruz have you feeling nauseous? Well ignore all that bad hair and support a couple local politicians who are running for office to show that democracy isn’t dead here in San Francisco.

Stuart Schuffman (aka Broke-Ass Stuart) and Tom Temprano have been huge supporters of music, art and culture here in SF for years and are the type of people we want to see calling the shots in City Hall and at City College. Come see some of the Bay’s best bands on the patio at El Rio and support these two guys in their quest to make San Francisco a better place.

The Grand Ole’ Party – A Benefit Show for Broke-Ass Stuart & Tom Temprano
Saturday, September 19th
Doors @ 2pm
Show 3pm-8pm
El Rio (3158 Mission St @ Precita)
$10-$20 suggested donation

w/ music from
Terry Malts
Planet Booty
Double Duchess

& Djs
Jamie Jams
Chi Chi

You can learn more about their campaigns & donate even if you cant make it by hopping to their websites –

Stuart Schuffman for Mayor

Tom Temprano for College Board

RSVP and invite your partisans!

Marian’s, a fascinating Mission-based business you probably never patronize

Capp Street Crap just published a great story on Marian’s, a longtime neighborhood institution:

Jutting from metal trays atop a display case at Marian’s Apparel, the longtime clothing boutique near gritty 16th and Mission streets, are hundreds of yellow paper cards handwritten with customers’ names, addresses and account balances.

A holdover from the days before department store credit cards, the old school but increasingly challenging account management system may soon go by the wayside. Lately, store owner Joe Anker has been wondering whether the same thing ought to happen to Marian’s too.

Marian’s gave up one of its two storefronts around the beginning of the year because a family member of the landlord’s wants to open a Vietnamese restaurant there. When business was at its best around 2000, Marian’s carried more than double the number of accounts for its mostly Latino and middle-aged clientele. Customers would come in two or three times a month, pay on what they owed, and buy more, Anker said.

Read on for lots more.

[Photo by Google Maps]

Dolores Park, empty for the first time in a while

[Photo by Miglu, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Live piano karaoke tonight at Pop’s!

Here’s a new one. I remember people used to talk about that piano bar in Oakland called the Alley, and how you could sing songs from a songbook of all kinds of old standards, and sometimes Tom Waits would show up and do something. Maybe this will be like that?

[via Pop's on Facebook]

This sunset looks like a windbreaker you wore in the ’80s

[Photo by Andrew, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Look at this ‘chicken crunchy wrap’ by Mission Cantina and Momofuku

[via Mission Chinese Food on Instagram]

Tiny little busted-ass shack for sale in San Francisco for $350,000

Here’s what the listing says:

Two Bedrooms Fixer located in the Outer Mission. Distinguished home in need of work.

“Outer Mission”:

[via Ticklefight]

[Map by Google Maps]

Same shape, different color

[Photo and title by Sara K. King]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission