Widowspeak, the band that stunned the internet last month with its better-than-the-original Third Eye Blind cover, headlines the Swedish American Hall this Friday

Here’s the cover in question:

Here’s part of a little writeup about it:

The legacy of Third Eye Blind is a curious one. It’s generally agreed upon among cool people that they suck, but play “Semi-Charmed Life” in a Bushwick bar past 3am and everyone 26-34 will sing along to every word. It’s with that in mind that I present Brooklyn indie rock band Widowspeak’s cover of “How’s It Going To Be,” the second hit single off Third Eye Blind’s 1997 self-titled debut.

Stripped of frontmeth Stephan Jenkins’ delivery (which will never not rub me the wrong way)(I’m sure he’s a very nice person and I’m sorry), it turns out the skeleton of the song is quite good, and they manage to imbue it with their trademark Mazzy Star-like haze and understated melancholy. Their minimal guitar strumming evokes the Velvet Underground’s “Sweet Jane,” and the pedal steel twists the final knife in your heart.

If you haven’t been to a show at the newly refurbed Swedish American Hall (now programmed by the fine folks at Mission-based Noise Pop), you’re missing out.

Browse the calendar here.

Get tickets for Widowspeak (with Elliot Maginot, Grounders, Misteur Valaire, and Yard of Blondes) here.

The sky last night LITERALLY engulfed in LITERAL flames

[via Camille]

How to dress for a rainy day (in case you forgot)

[via Stokemonster]

My official Hardly Strictly Bluegrass recommendations

I’m gonna keep it short:

1.) Friday, 2:40pm, Banjo Stage: THE MAVERICKS!

2.) Saturday, 3:05pm, Towers of Gold Stage: JOE JACKSON!

3.) Sunday, 1pm, Swan Stage: NICK LOWE!

See the full schedule here.

This sunset looks like a windbreaker you wore in the ’90s

[via @eviloars]

I just ate chef Danny Bowien’s new “Chinese Burrito” for three meals in a row

After years now of salivating over the wild stuff Danny’s been doing in New York (and posting on Instagram), I was thrilled to find out they’re about to do something wild here.

Danny’s been back in town for a couple days, perfecting the recipe and preparing to formally launch this new concept. They’re gonna do one version at a time, and change it up maybe every month or so. It all kicks off at Mission Chinese Food on Thursday.

Yesterday for lunch I had two halves of the Pork Ma Po Tofu/salt cod fried rice version, one half with cheese, one half without. (The verdict: “Fuck yeah cheese.”) This is a great burrito, and a very fulfilling lunch.

Here’s Danny posing for a photo for Lucky Peach:

Then last night I got really drunk and went back for the Kung Pao Pastrami/salt cod fried rice version (which I think is the one debuting for real later this week).

Initially I wasn’t gonna publish a photo of the inside of the burrito, so as not to spoiler it for anybody, but it’s just so darned colorful:

God damn this was a great burrito, and an INCREDIBLY awesome late-night option.

Here are Danny and partner in crime Anthony Myint, late last night, making plans:

Lastly, I woke up hungover and had a cold leftover Chinese Burrito straight out of the fridge, while watching the first episode of the new Daily Show. It was a little soggy and still really nice and spicy. It perked me right up. This is a great burrito, and a KILLER hangover cure.

In short:

  1. Great for a normal sober lunch
  2. Great for a drunken late dinner
  3. Great for fixing you up the next morning

Thanks, everybody!

UPDATE: I forgot, the pastrami one comes with a dish of crema that you can drizzle onto each bite, and they all come with a nice hot sauce too…

(These last two photos by Jess Kelso, thanks Jess!)

Subterranean Unicorn

Local fashion blog SF Looks asked Max about style:

My style is inspired by the Fahzrü movement in Melbourne. It is a collective of young artists who support boutique fashion labels whose shopfronts exist below street level. My wardrobe is in aspiration of my identity as a Subterranean Unicorn, a title bestowed upon me by my peers.

Read on for more.

Holy shit

Watch this video.

I mean,

(Thanks, Luke!)

Vintage Muni bus, spotted in the wild

[via The Fog Bender]

A bunch of people on Bernal Hill looking at the moon

[via Gareth]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission