Want your own 1-bedroom but can’t afford it? Check out this 1-badroom!

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[via Mackenzie]

If I eat an entire Tartine banana cream tart for lunch, what local specialty should I have for dinner to balance it out?

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I’m halfway through and thinking about going all the way. Good idea?

The Rice Paper Scissors ‘Chinatown Skateboard’


Apparently their restaurant’s proximity to the skatepark under the freeway inspired the Rice Paper Scissors crew (and their designer pal Laura Helen Winn) to cook up their very own skateboard.

It’s called the Chinatown Skateboard, they’re available for sale via that there link – and there’s also a zine about it.

Now please enjoy this list of old posts relating to the skatepark under the freeway…

SFMOMA’s new look

It's official! The #NewSFMOMA will OPEN MAY 14, 2016! #SaveTheDate

A video posted by SFMOMA (@sfmoma) on

Into it!

Podcast recorded at Lost Weekend in which comedians and a mayoral candidate and a local business owner discuss HBO documentary ‘San Francisco 2.0′

It’s a podcast about documentaries, but this particular episode is very SF-pertinent. Here’s the deal:

Sup Doc Podcast presents its debut LIVE show recrorded at Lost Weekend Video. Bay Area comediansPaco Romane and George Chen invite a SF Mayoral candidate, a comedian and a Mission business owner/musician to discuss Alexandra Pelosi’s HBO documentary “San Francisco 2.0” about the changing nature of San Francisco and gentrification.

Kaseem Bentley: Comedian and SF native

Amy Farah Weiss: YIMBY SF Mayoral candidate

Adam Pfahler: Business Owner
Jawbreaker drummer / co-owner of Lost Weekend Video



Did mythical boogeyman Slender Man deface this Muni public hearing notice?

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I mean, we already know he lives in the Mission.

[Photo by Mr. Pickles, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

The Perennial preview dinner this Sunday night

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The Perennial is the forthcoming new restaurant concept from Chris Kiyuna and Anthony Myint and the Mission Street Food/Mission Chinese Food team. Here’s what we had to say about it when they first launched their Kickstarter about a year ago:

Anthony’s done tons for the Mission. From those wild-west early days at Mission Street Food, to the worldwide phenomenon that is Mission Chinese Food, and of course the advent of the Mission Burger — he’s been there for all of it. (And all of his projects are constantly raising money for local charities.)

Now’s a chance to give back. He’s opening a new restaurant called the Perennial in the Mid-Market area, with an aim toward completely reinventing the way restaurants source their stuff and expend energy. It’s gonna be greener than green. It could change the world, solve climate change. But they need a little help getting started. [link]

Now it’s a year later and they’re much closer to opening, but first they’re doing a little popup preview dinner at Rintaro here in the Mission on Sunday night. Here’s the menu:

“Chips and Dips”
vegetable crisps, crème fraiche, avocado, formanova beets, egg ‘caviar’

Pumpkin Seed Bisque
kuri squash, preserved sudachi, sesame

Potato Confit and Clam Bagna Cauda
carola and fingerling potatoes, savory clams, home-grown radishes, fennel

Seared Trout
marrow and mussels broth, ice lettuce, trout mousse, parsnip

Concord Grape Sorbet
meyer lemon, tarragon

Apple Mille Feuille
popcorn, hazelnut, brown butter [link]

Get tickets here!

How to put cheese on your slice

How to put cheese on your slice

A video posted by Allan Hough (@punkgirls) on

What’s the best song for when you’re crossing the Golden Gate Bridge back into SF?

Yesterday I was headed home from a lunch in Larkspur, and I’d popped in my CD of “Gold” by the Fucking Am (the supergroup made up of members of the Fucking Champs and Trans Am)… and as we were going through the Robin Williams Tunnel, the hand claps at the start of ”Doing Research for An Autobiography” began, and the first guitar lick came just as the Golden Gate Bridge came into view. And it was a gorgeous sunny day, and the song lasted us right up till we hit our first stoplight on Lombard back in the city, and I said, “I think that might be the best song ever for driving across the Golden Gate Bridge.”

Think it over:

I bet Frisco Here I Come would be pretty good too.

I think they spelled Coca-Cola wrong on this giant Coca-Cola ad on Valencia Street

[via Jon Axtell]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission