Back when black-brown unity was the big issue in Bernal Heights (and ancient pyramids were the big thing everybody had in common)

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Local historian Big Old Goofy World tells us all about it:

This mural on the side of the Bernal Heights library is a remake of an older more elaborate one, from a time when Black-Brown unity was the big issue in the neighborhood. The original also featured a Mayan pyramid next to an Egyptian pyramid — all beneath the Transamerica Pyramid.

Lol ancient black folk + ancient brown folk + …contemporary investment bankers???


Rappin’ ’bout Philz

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Celebrated local poet Ticklefight (not pictured) yesterday published this gem:

Phil(’)z Rap
More and more get their thrillz from Philz
Some even say it’s addictive as pillz
Many want Philz from sea to sea
The missing apostrophe is a travesty
Get your mint danglers outta my way
Just beans and water is what I say
The 7 minute pour-over has got to go
I just want my drip style cuppa Joe

[link] [Photo by Euna]

Now please enjoy this list of raps and other fun also by Tickelfight…

Muni firebomb tattoo by the Fog Bender

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The Fog Bender, one of the greatest San Francisco artists of all time, has started doing tattoos. Hit him up.

Now please enjoy this list of posts we’ve done over the years highlighting epic Fog Bender originals…

Trippy cloud formation over Dolores Park

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[Photo by Ryan, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Just look at this dog


[via Capp Street Crap]

Now please enjoy this list of previous posts about puppies…

Christopher Owens (of Girls) presents a special show dedicated to his many years in SF

It’s at the newly refurbished Swedish American Hall on Friday, December 11th, and it sounds like it’s gonna be pretty special. Here’s the message Christopher posted on Facebook earlier:

I’ve been writing songs for 8 years now in San Francisco, join me in a special show, about those songs & those years

Songs like Lust for Life and I Will Always Love You and years such as 2009 and 2011! Sounds good!

Get tickets here.


Roosevelt Tamale Parlor to close forever at the end of this weekend

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Mission Local reports:

The Roosevelt Tamale Parlor on 24th Street near York posted a sign outside its door that said it would be shutting down by the end of this coming Sunday, December 6.

The owners cited “personal health issues” and the “shrinking restaurant labor pool” for the closure, saying the low supply of workers has “fueled unsustainable wage expectations,” a problem Mission Local has written about before for storefronts on Valencia Street.

“We are losing a large part of our kitchen staff, and replacing them is too expensive,” said Aaron Presbrey, one of the restaurant’s owners. “We can’t sustain the place with the current wage expectations.”

Read on for more story, plus the full text of the restaurant’s original announcement.

Now, also note that they’re planning to start marketing their salsa and gravy as retail items, so maybe follow them on Facebook if you want to keep abreast of those developments.

[Photo by Shannon]

Cool new Airbnb ad

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[Photo by Ashely, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Control is an illusion; let there be socks

Best SF blogger of all time Brock Keeling the other day posted this thoughtful seasonal greeting on Facebook:

In between your unfollow-worthy posts about Donald Trump vs. Bernie Sanders, “Merry Christmas” vs. “Happy Holidays,” imported vs. locally-sourced terrorism, and other Daily Show- vs. FOX News-inspired dreck you insist on shouting to followers who think and feel exactly the same way you do — far be it from me that I should tell anyone to stop screaming into a bag of birdseed! — cushion your self-righteous updates with one like my own:

Socks remain one of the most requested clothing items at homeless shelters, but rarely the most donated. Freezing temps, blisters, and infections are common conditions that can lead to more serious health issues for our homeless population. Go ahead and donate a bag or five of socks to your nearest shelter. (Black non-dress socks, imo, are ideal because they last longer and are better suited for inevitable job interviews.) But best of all, not only will you feel better inside your own crazy head, you’ll get to make pious, grandstanding posts like this one. Fabulous.

St. Anthony Foundation is a good place to start (details: Check your local shelters for drop-off info.

Get to work!


Note: the title of this post also refers to a post we did in 2009 involving another all-time blogging great, Tony Pierce, and the prospect of a Valencia Street American Apparel shop.

Thinking globally, acting locally

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[Photo by Karma, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Now please enjoy this old post involving the old California Academy of Sciences and a boomerang.

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission