All the best Mission-related Star Wars stuff from over the years

I just got out of a screening of the new movie. I won’t bother reviewing it or anything, but I’ll say this: I can’t think of a reason not to see it at the new Alamo, in the Mission, if you can. (How cool is that??? We can see big major movies at a big major theater right here in the neighborhood now!!! Can’t get over it.)

Anyways, it got me thinking about all the times Star Wars and the Mission have crossed paths. I’m sure I’m missing some stuff, but here’s what I was able to find just now…

There was the time we saw an Ewok at 24th Street BART:

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There was the time we encountered an Ewok on Alcatraz:

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There was the time Star Wars met Dia de los Muertos:

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There was the time C-3PO and R2-D2 were advertising some food or something in the Mission way back in the 1970s:

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There was the time we saw Darth Vader in a Mission sidewalk:

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There was the time Darth Vader celebrated the Giants championship in ’10:

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And finally, can’t ever unsee Girl Parts Vader:

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Here are the top 10 Mission Mission posts of 2015

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10. The time we watched Christopher Walken attack the Golden Gate Bridge with a blimp.

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9. The poem I wrote about Hayes Valley.

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8. The time we determined what the best song to listen to while driving across the Golden Gate Bridge is.

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7. My list of SF-related memories about Jay Reatard (RIP).

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6. The #tbt post about the Sofia Coppola movie Somewhere and how I’d seen it at the Roxie back in the day and the scene with the Strokes song is really good and some other stuff.

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5. The time I eavesdropped on some techbros in the park and they said a bunch of offensive shit.

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4. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Knockout with a list of Knockout memories.

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3. The time I ran into a bunch of cool people on a big Friday night out in the Mission.

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1. The time I ate the new Mission Chinese Food CHINESE BURRITO for three (3) meals in a row, baby.

Thanks for reading, everybody!

How cold is it in San Francisco?

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Inside the revamped Amnesia


Back when longtime owner Shawn left town suddenly over the summer everybody was like what’s gonna happen is it gonna stay the same. And the answer was that yes it was gonna stay mostly the same but maybe with some minor changes.

Well, they closed up shop for a couple weeks and reopened over the weekend. Capp Street Crap checked it out yesterday:

 A visit there Monday night found the bar feeling bigger and looking sleeker and brighter. The interior was also sparser, with its ceilings opened up to reveal wood beams. A new soundboard and booth is now set up near where couches used to be, the bar has been redone with a new bar menu posted above it, and the stage is slightly larger.

Read on for the full report and more photography.

Martial arts, Motown music, deep meaning, many jokes, and righteous Black maleness

the last dragon

You know how you’ve really been wanting to see something at the Roxie lately? Consider The Last Dragon, presented this Friday night by local comedian and podcaster W. Kamau Bell, with an appearance by Taimak, star of the the film.

Here’s what Bell has to say about it:

When I was 13 years old there was no movie that hit me in my cinematic g spot as hard as THE LAST DRAGON. As a lover of Bruce Lee, I wanted to be LIKE him. But once I saw THE LAST DRAGON, I wanted to straight up BE Taimak AKA Leroy Green AKA Bruce Leroy. This movie has it all: martial arts, Motown music, deep meaning, many jokes, and righteous Black maleness. The least I can do is to be a part of bringing Taimak to the Roxie Theater during the 30th anniversary of this legendary, genre busting film so I, and the many others, can say, “Thank you!”

More info (including info about the alcohol situation) and tickets (and VIP tickets) here.

A very short play about Silicon Valley or whatever

It’s like that HBO show about Silicon Valley but much shorter and a little darker:


Now please enjoy this list of other mayhem by Ryan Christopher Parks…

Mission Mission 2015 Last Minute Gift Guide

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1. Get a hat or fanny pack by Amos Goldbaum already!

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2. Get a jar of pickles by Inna Jam, man!

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3. Hire The Fog Bender to do a mural or a tattoo or some shit!

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4. Get a photography zine from Doc Pop for goodness’ sake!

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5. Get a bunch of tickets to a bunch of movies at the Alamo (just opened) or the Roxie (still open, man).

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6. Get my album! (I’m really proud of it, and my sister says it’s alright.)


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7. Join Bay Area Bike Share!

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8. Get a few Pilates from Tru Pilates!

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9. Get some weird booze at Royal Cuckoo Market!

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10. Get some boobs by Laura Helen Winn, if you’re into boobs!

Some really old graffiti on a really old Muni train


1999, says Tumblr.

[via te Aprecio]

Bummerdude! The “I Can’t Afford to Love SF” t-shirt pop-up got burgled

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DSF 2″ just opened up a couple weeks ago and already this. Maybe swing by (24th between Mission and Valencia, or the original DSF on Haight between Fillmore and Steiner, or shop online if u lazy) do some Christmas shopping, help them out in this time of bummer.

[via Devon]

Hail in the Mission!

Now please enjoy these past posts about times strange stuff fell from the sky in the Mission…

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission