How to make WesBurger’s Tex-Mex Queso Dip at home, perhaps for Christmas dinner?


Wes spilled the beans (lol there’s no beans) to Omar at 7×7, checkitout:

You already know Wes Rowe of Wesburger makes one of the best burgers in San Francisco. Rowe, who hails from Austin, has been doing a weekly pop-up at Mojo for the last two years, and is known for topping his burgers and tots with signature Tex-Mex queso dip. Now you can make your own dip at home (just add chips!)

Wes’s Tex-Mex Queso Dip


1lb white American cheese (You must source this from the deli counter, not the cheese aisle! Have them cut you a 1lb block and shred it at home.)

4 oz. asadero cheese shredded

1 jalapeno chopped

1 large ripe tomato

1/4 white onion chopped

1 small bunch cilantro roughly chopped

1 tsp cumin (toast cumin seeds and blend in a spice grinder for a fresher taste)

1/4 cup whole milk

Mmmmm! Read on for the rest of the recipe!

Haha just look at this dog again!

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It’s a crisper pic this time than last time. Either way, love this guy.

[via Dawson]

My #1 SF New Year’s Day tradition, the Rice Paper Scissors New Year’s Day brunch


No matter how bad your year was, the RPS New Year’s Day brunch will make you feel like the new one is gonna be the best ever. Ooh and they’ve got a new venue this year:

One of our favorite traditions is serving brunch on New Year’s Day – something we’ve done ever since we started!

This year we’re doing it at The PizzaHacker, our homie Jeff’s pizza shop in Bernal/Outer Mission. He’ll be slinging mimosas and beer, we got you on the food and Vietnamese coffee front.

See you there!

New Year’s Day Brunch @ The PizzaHacker
January 1, 2016
3299 Mission Street at 29th

Alriiiight. RSVP and invite your homies!

Full menu after the jump:


Cool new wet-weather extreme sport

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[via The Fog Bender]

Here’s a rare sight: DJ Purple out from behind the decks, on the mic!


Me and my pals at Jameson Irish Whiskey threw DJ Purple a 50th birthday bash-slash-holiday party (at J. Rusten Furniture Studios, which, incidentally, may not be located in the Mission for very much longer; throw yourself a party there asap while you still can) on Saturday night, and it was epic.

As a special treat for himself (and everyone in attendance) DJ Purple got KJ Paul to come in and assist on karaoke duties so that the birthday boy could step out and sing some stuff for once! It was historic.

Here’s some video:

DJ Purple does his patented “Dance Karaoke” party every Thursday in the Mission, at Slate Bar on 16th Street, don’t forget.

Here’s one more pic of the party:


[Photos and videos by Luke Spray]

Have you seen this missing Mission resident?


Mission Local reports:

San Francisco police released a statement today seeking the public’s help in finding 32-year-old Matthew Wastrodowski, who was often seen in the Mission.

Wastrodowski was last seen, according to police, at 1 p.m. on December 7 at Clay and Walnut streets, and has not been seen since. He was a frequent visitor to Dolores Park and would go to the Phone Booth bar at 25th Street and South Van Ness Avenue.

He was described as approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing around 140 pounds, with blue eyes, blond hair, and a beard. Wastrodowski was last seen wearing black framed glasses, a red and black plaid shirt, a blue jacket, blue pants and blue shoes.

SFGate adds:

At the time of his disappearance, he was wearing black glasses, blue pants, blue shoes, a plaid shirt and blue jacket — but his jacket, shirt, wallet and keys were found later in the Presidio.

About a year ago, Wastrodowski was treated for depression-related illness and put on medication, according to his mother, Patricia Wastrodowski.

“In July, he got it into his head that he was feeling better and wasn’t going to take it anymore,” Patricia Wastrodowski said Wednesday. “The last two or three weeks, apparently he had become delusional.”

Call SFPD if you can help.

Justified pissing

Our old pal Jeff Seal (who is really good at Vine btw) lives in Brooklyn and tonight posted this reaction to a piece of news about some serious hipster bullshit:

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Piss on, Jeff! (Also, piss on Jeff!)

A cafe in Silverlake, gentrified out of business, bids its customers a bittersweet goodbye

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Our old pal Marc Caswell, formerly of the SF Bike Coalition, I think relocated to LA a while back and just now shared an LAist (like SFist but in LA) post about a beloved cafe on Sunset Boulevard that after 20 years in business is shutting down because of landlords and Corporate America and everything.

Here’s an excerpt of the Casbah Cafe’s response to LAist’s reporter’s inquiry:

A bitter ending is always better than an endless bitterness. Casbah is a good example of a turning point in a neighborhood where reality switches from everyday common sense to the corporate world reason.

We stayed longer than reason permitted. We tried our best for the friends of Casbah, but what is impossible is impossible…so we were forced to go with no notice for ourselves either. We had to pack up 20 years of a business over night. Silver Lake as it was when we started the neighborhood is gone for good and we could not be the sole supporter for keeping Silver Lake as it started any longer. Casbah never meant to be in such an aggressive and abusive environment with closely surrounding corporate businesses just down the street wanting to be celebrities, just simply a beautiful and real place to be with interesting people.

And then there’s this:

Where was the media when a small business like Casbah was in need of their support when corporate America was jumping up at every Sunset building? Is it because Casbah didn’t pay for their ads? And after almost a decade of no writeups, it shuts down and now it’s the time to take the article glory on a home run.

So, I write a lot of posts that are like “_______ is closing,” and often it’s a place I’ve never patronized or maybe I patronized it once, and I guess probably pretty often it’s a place I’ve never written about. But I write about lots and lots of businesses that don’t pay for ads here (pretty much only Pop’s and American Tripps and pay for ads) — but I’m kinda lazy these days, so I’m sure I’m missing out on a lot of good stuff.

The point is, hit me up. (And if anybody else wants to pay for ads, hit me up too. We can get creative about it.)

Read on for more of the letter, which includes a quotation of some heavy French poetry.

Mission Chinese Food’s intriguing partnership with Kellogg’s

This first one involves Frosted Flakes and green tea:

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If you’re not following MCF on Instagram, you should be; it’s where they tend to announce trippy stuff like this these days.

Here’s Mini Wheats with cashew butter and roasted persimmon jam:

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And finally, good ol’ Kellogg’s Corn Flakes with something called “sweet and salty corn powder” plus yogurt and berries:

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NYC only though, this weekend only, I think. Sorry, Cali chumps.

Now please enjoy this modern classic post about the last trippy thing MCF did here in SF…

Slow Club lives again thanks to Pink Zebra, today through Sunday only

Not sure if it’s exactly the same this time or not, but this was the menu last weekend:

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These next few days are your absolute LAST CHANCE to dine inside the old Slow Club before it’s taken over and destroyed forever. Here’s Pink Zebra explaining the details:

Come hang out with us! Have some sick cocktails at the bar, Danny Louie (former Chino, Alembic) will be mixing drinks off of our selected list, wine by Trumpet Wine, and Sutton Cellars, maybe some beer, and daily n/a offerings.

Menu will be a la carte. Maybe you wanna sit at the Chef’s Counter? No reservations, first come first served, just fun, great food and drinks to take the edge off the holidays!!

Every thing on the bev and dinner menu will cost $10, and is CASH ONLY. I repeat CASH ONLY, come prepared, so you don’t have to walk up to the gas station:)

And here’s the drink menu:

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Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission