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[via Julia]

How to get your friends to maintain eye contact with you

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Porous Walker is a genius.

[via Porous Walker on Tumblr]

Now please enjoy this long list of Porous-related links, dating way back to ’09…

Play this awesome homemade road trip bingo card by Ariel Dovas on your next road trip

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[via Ariel Dovas on Instagram]

Lots more by Ariel Dovas here!

And also don’t forget about Mission Mission Bingo!

Einstein looking sexy at Taqueria Cancun

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[via Marion]

Weather report

Beautiful nighttime view of SF from Treasure Island

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Just beautiful.

[via Wes Burger]

Cavalcade of weirdo punk this weekend at the Ss Records 15th anniversary party


Here’s all about the very special lineup:

Friday January 15

100 Flowers: The original line-up of this legendary band will be playing their songs. Morphed from the legendary Urinals, 100 Flowers made one perfect LP and a handful of stellar eps, singles, and comp tracks. They ended in 1983 and have since played only a handful of times, most recently for the reissue of their lone album on Superior Viaduct. This is the original line-up of the band 100 Flowers reassembled just to play SS15.

Spray Paint: Our Texas friends will be back on the West Coast recording with Chris Woodhouse, so I convinced them to do one show while they are here. Spindly avant-punk of the Nth degree, the yolksters always come through live. This will be their one and only West Coast appearance.

Pony Time: Luke and Stacy are Pony Time, a splendid and inventive rock & roll duo who remind me of the Troggs and Wounded Lion and something I have yet to figure out, which is why I am crazy about this band. They have two records on Per Se and their third will be releases February 2016 on Ss.

Screature: Shimmering guitar, brooding organ, stripped down kerplunk,a nd a hellish howl makes Screature the Central Valley’s best band going. Their most recent album – Four Columns on Ss Records – has gotten raves from all around the interweb (Noisey, 50thirdand3rd, TheQuietus, etc.). Great live band, too.

DJ: Ryan Wells

Saturday, January 16

Lil Bunnies: Fathers of Hippity Hop, legends in their own minds, the world’s first super group consisting of nobodies, masked revengers, Lil Bunnies walk among us for the first time since 199???. What to expect…

Life Stinks: “San Francisco’s last punk band” – though truth be told, Life Stinks has spread their disease across the Bay Area. Their first album is one of Ss Records’ favorite releases and their second is coming any day. Great live band that just keeps getting better.

Ozzie: Man, I was surprised when these guys said Yes. Ozzie started in the mid-Seventies and ended in the 1980s (documented on the Ss release The Parabolic Rock). They created some classic proto-punk/glam/new wave tunes and are one of the greatest rock & roll bands in the history of my hometown Sacramento. They played once seven years ago when Parabolic Rock was released and were great! This will be their first time playing since then and the first time they’ve played San Francisco since 1979 (at Mabuhay Gardens).

Andy Human & The Reptoids: Andy and his reptilian pals just played with Timmy’s Organisms and all reports said that Andy & ‘toids left the place stunned. No surprise. The talent here is tip-top, the band is a damn rock & roll bulldozer. Their debut album on Ss was released late Spring 2015 and continues to get worldwide praise. The French love it, the Italians love it, the Japanese love it, ‘mericans love it. Pitchfork called it one of the best records of the summer.

DJ: Mitch Cardwell

RSVP and get tickets!

New trends in shitting

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[via The Fog Bender]

And also, please enjoy our classic post “New trends in sitting

Have you seen the food and drink menu at the Alamo Drafthouse yet?

Because, you know, at this theater you get a table with your seat and you can order food and drink before the movie and throughout it! Here are a couple key snippets:

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See the whole thing here. (And, reminder: Bowie singalong is tonight!)

A modern ailment and an even more modern cure

Our pal Ariel Dovas last week documented this awful new ailment:


And then he followed up with a proposed cure:


See a few more ideas here.

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission