Things to do in SF this weekend if you’re in town for the Super Bowl

1. Go to a Berlin-style ping pong party tonight! Every town’s got football, but only San Francisco has Berlin-style ping pong parties!


2. Have Vietnamese food for brunch on Saturday! Every town’s got burritos and clam chowder, but only San Francisco has Vietnamese brunch popups in a pizza restaurant!


That’s it!

What were you born for?


Just another reminder — follow Mission to Market.

[via Mission to Market]

Looking through windows in the Mission

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Check out this new photo series Mission Windows by photographer Marc Alcock. I really like the dolphin one.

The San Francisco Forty Tenners

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[via Ticklefight]

Superhuman avocado

How come you never walk up to the top of Bernal Hill?

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Maybe you should go do it right now instead of listening to that podcast. Or instead of reading that article about the Super Bowl signs.

Anyway, I did it twice over the weekend and it’s real nice, in case you didn’t know. It’ll perk you right up.

My main problem with the Super Bowl was that it is called “Super Bowl 50″ instead of “Super Bowl L” like it should be

But then they added insult to injury. Our pal Broke-Ass Stuart is organizing a demonstration, set to take place next Wednesday, February 3rd:

Mayor Ed Lee told homeless people they “have to leave” for the Super Bowl.

Our response: “Hey Mayor Ed Lee, No Penalties for Poverty”

We, the people of San Francisco, demand that Super Bowl City and Ed Lee pay and invest $5 million right now in housing – we could house 500 people immediately with that money.

We also demand the use of publicly-owned assets, such as the empty Pier 29 or 80, or the land under the Freeway at 101/Cesar Chavez, and create monitored programs that support secure sleep, hygienic toileting, and access to transition/healing services.

We want an end to the criminalization of poverty and the continued violations of poor people’s civil and human rights. All resources currently being used for law enforcement of anti-homeless laws must be immediately re-directed to housing and support services.

Come out in your red & gold Niners colors to #TackleHomelessness. Join the Coalition on Homelessness, First they came for the homeless, and Broke-Ass Stuart as we protest the mayor’s unjust plan and demand immediate housing for our city’s unhoused residents.

Meet up is at 4:30 in front of Sinbads on Embacadero next to the Ferry Building. We are going to set up a tent city, with plenty of visuals next to the superbowl city. Bring signs and banners and cardboard cut-outs of houses. And bring tents if you don’t mind them getting confiscated.

Read on for more info and to RSVP.

PANTS 2 GRASS a.k.a. What was it like in the park yesterday?????

We saw the gorgeous photos already; now here’s a firsthand account:

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(Thanks, Chris!)

Well it’s Thursday, time to start thinking about brunch this weekend

You could stay in the Mission:

Or you could venture up to the Lower Haight:

This literally, is like the best. Yelpers are savage. Totally random.

A photo posted by @intheweedz on

Dolores Park is 100% open for the first time in YEARS

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And what a beautiful day for it!!!

[via Wild SF Walking Tours on Instagram]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission