Looks like a big crew of cops and garbage trucks getting ready to roust some encampments


Our pal Mollie is on the scene:

Do you know about cops and garbage services taking down encampments around design district? Division and 9th

Looks like 5 cops, caltrans and garbage gearing up to take things down but I’d go check there for more info, unclear but they’re prepping

It’s like they’re all:

death star

And then your home is like:

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(Thanks, Mollie.)

New bus-and-taxi-only lanes going in on Mission Street today

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Just walked past this scene, out by 30th and Mission.

SF Gate has more details:

The painting should be done by March or April, at which time the Municipal Transportation Agency will start banning left turns at every intersection between 14th and Cesar Chavez streets and requiring right turns off of Mission Street at 16th, 20th, 22nd, 24th and 26th streets. [link]

So if you’re like me and love driving all the way down Mission Street, you better do it now while you still can. (Also, they eliminated some inefficient bus stops, so make sure your favorite stops still exist before trying to use them.)

City says fire-damaged Mission Market/Popeye’s building must be demolished and displaced tenants must go fuck themselves

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Mission Local reports:

The Department of Building Inspection on Friday ordered the demolition of the fire-damaged building at the corner of 22nd and Mission Streets, citing a concern that a moderate earthquake would collapse the building outward and cause harm to the public.

If the building is demolished, more than 60 tenants displaced by the fire may lose the right to return to their units after reconstruction.

San Francisco guarantees rent-controlled tenants who are displaced by a fire the right to return to their units after repair at their previous rent, though few do. But with the demolition, that protection no longer applies: New buildings are not subject to rent control because of state law and are not bound by the right of return. No-fault evictions on the basis of demolition are also allowed under city law.

Read on for lots more.

[Photo by Google Maps]

Johnny Motherfuckin’ Davis talks about the SF bar scene

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Broke-Ass Stuart last week published an in-depth interview with Bender’s co-owner and longtime SF bartender Johnny Davis. Here’s a peek:

BAS: Are you worried about dive bars disappearing in San Francisco?
JD: Well, it does suck that a lot of them have gone by the wayside. But it’s just the nature of change, the nature of progress, and there’s really nothing to be done there. Someone buys something, they want to make it their own, make it a little bit nicer. A lot of the time, the city forces them to make it nicer through ADA compliances and things like that. Yes, the classic dive bar is going to be a thing of the past at some point, but I don’t know. Some of us still enjoy that, some of us are still trying to run those.


BAS: What do you miss about bartending back in the ‘90s compared to now?
JD: It was a little more lawless, you know? There wasn’t— [laughs] you could scream at someone without hurting their feelings, you know? I don’t know. The town was a little looser. There were more wild things going on then, which meant the bars were a little wilder, the whole scene was a little wilder. There were better bands and more bands, really. It was more of a blue collar town back in the ‘90s, which meant folks could get by on a serious budget. You could find a place to live for 300 bucks a month. You could eat burritos every day of the week for you know, $4 a burrito back in the ‘90s. It was an easier town where you could get by without killing yourself working.

Read on for the whole thing.

Oh and also: the time Johnny Davis saved my life.

The best burger in SF is by Chef Eric Ehler at Black Sands Brewery

Just look at it:

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The fries are fucking fantastic too.

What should we do tonight?

So much to choose from! We’ll start at the southernmost option and head north:

1.) Oldies Night at the Knockout! It’s nasty!

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2.) Roger Niner Karaoke at Pop’s! Now every 3rd Thursday!


3.) Haçeteria’s 5th anniversary party at F8! Best dance party in town!


4.) Smiths vs. LCD Soundsystem dance party at Rickshaw Stop! Live bands + DJs!


When great lighting and a stoic face combine to make biking on the sidewalk look cool

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[via Mission to Market]

CONTEST: Win tickets to Diane Coffee at Noise Pop!

Who’s Diane Coffee, you ask? Get this:

Shaun Michael Fleming (born May 31, 1987) is an American actor and musician. He is best known as the drummer of the indie rock band Foxygen and the creator of his solo project Diane Coffee as well as his Disney voice acting career.

And now have a listen:

Here are the show details:

Diane Coffee plus Hazel English, Be Calm Honcho, Dick Stusso
Tuesday, February 23rd @ Brick + Mortar
8pm (7pm doors) $15 / 18+

If you’d like to win a pair of tickets, leave a comment on this blog post, or retweet the tweet we send about it, or comment on the Facebook post we post about it. A winner will be selected at random. Contest ends Thursday night at 6pm.

Tickets and more info here.

Ramones and Misfits cover bands tonight at the Knockout!


Kanye’s money woes

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Poor Kanye!

(Get your own “Can’t Afford SF” shirt here.)

[via Devon]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission