Why are you tagging our shit?


Just walked past a guy (not pictured) writing a tag (not pictured) on a compost bin (not pictured) in the Mission.

And then a man in a nice suit threw open the door of his house and exclaimed, “Why are you tagging our shit???”

The tagger said, “Graf lyfe, bro,” and left.

How ***and how NOT*** to eat your burrito

Using a series of fun animated GIFs, Lucky Peach shows us a number of very important burrito DOs and DONTs.

Now please enjoy these very related posts…

Cryptic graffiti in the bathroom at Big Lantern

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What it means?

[via Phil]

Happy Leap Day, and Happy 4th Birthday to Rock Bar!


[via Rock Bar on Twitter]

Electric skateboard gang hanging out at 24th and Valencia

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Local artist Tika Hall, who took this photo, also noted: “They were talking about breweries.”

The ‘Ugliest Dump in the World’

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If you’ve got friends coming in from out of town, maybe they should consider staying with local artist Merkley. Here’s his Airbnb listing:

About this listing

You’ll hate it here. San Francisco is terrible. Nobody likes this city. The food is blech, the weather is awful, there are packs of wild dogs and flocks of screeching parrots coming at you from all directions.

Every street is an uphill climb both ways.

I’m being totally serious, the hills actually switch depending on which direction you go and every 45 minutes there’s an earthquake that opens up the earth beneath your feet swallowing up all your friends.

And here’s some more info on the space itself:

The Space

This house is OLD. It was built in 1885 by some weirdo named William Crocker who thought victorians were pretty neat. Boy was he some sort of narcissist, he ran for mayor in 1909 and came in 3rd.

What a loser.

Nobody ever bothered ripping out all the fancy details that come with victorians so you’ll be surrounded by all that bullshit, plus the guy that has owned the place for the last 20 years is some bearded guy named Merkley. He is writing about himself in the third person. He thinks people like interesting things and details so he made the apartment reflect that sort of nonsense.

Have fun rolling your eyes.

Read on for lots more details and a bunch more photos.

(Thanks, Josh!)

Interview with Elijah Wood

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Local cineaste David Enos recently got to interview the great Elijah Wood:

You’re an actor but also a big record collector.  What kind of used shops do you like to check out, and have you found any obscurities we should listen to?

Yeah, man, I’m glad you asked.  My favorite record store is Amoeba Records on Sunset, because they have all the hard-to-find, unusual stuff.  Problem is I can’t leave without spending at least $500 (laughs).  Just last week, I scored an original vinyl copy of “Rumours” by a band called Fleetwood Mac.  The worker man at the counter told me they only pressed 100 copies and I was lucky to find it.  By the end of my shopping trip I also picked up rarities by The Tubes, Joan Armatrading and Boz Scaggs.  Sometimes I’ll buy records just for the cover art. It’s so crazy and great to have this happen in 2016, but my assistant says vinyl is actually making a comeback.

Wood stars in The Witch, currently playing at the Alamo Drafthouse here in the Mission.

Read on for lots more.

A short film about dating and politics

Slow Jams tonight (and every Tuesday night) at the Make-Out Room

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I mean, when was the last time you went, man?

In case you’ve never been, here’s what’s so great about it. Maybe you should invite that friend of yours who never comes to the Mission.

[via Primo]

Go to the beach instead


What a nice day, and the beach is deserted, and the water’s fiiiiine. It’s gonna stay nice for a couple days before cooling off fyi:

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You could go to work or whatever, or you could go to the beach instead.

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission