Bathroom propositions in 2016 San Francisco

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[via Dave]

Inspired by “dark ’80s movies like Rivers Edge starring Crispin Glover and Keanu Reeves”

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Local fashion blog SF Looks asked Rita about her style:

My inspiration are dark 80s movies like Rivers Edge starring Crispin Glover & Keanu Reeves, all the androgynous cool kids of the 90s mixing and matching fashion genres with effortlessly chic effect like Brian Molko.

Read on for the full photo and more of Rita’s answer.

I found all the women

Thanks to the tireless work of the blog Man Lines — and also just living in SF and being aware of one’s surroundings — we all know where all the men are: they’re waiting in line for lunch or Four Barrel or whatever.

But where are all the women? Maybe they stayed in? Maybe there aren’t any? Maybe they moved to Portland?

It’s been the eternal question for a while now. Nobody knew the answer — until… I was walking down 19th Street over the weekend and I found all the women:


They’re in line for Radish.

Here’s a closer look:

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Up high – to the side – down low – you’re too slow

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[Excellent photo and excellent headline by Megan Z]

Drink of the Week: Pube Dog IPA


Local hop-head David Enos hipped us to this new brew:

There is a new dog in town, hailing from Sonoma County – this is not a lap dog we have here. He is the dog that bites you in a hateful way and does not let go until you say “Uncle”.

Read on for more.

I don’t know what’s happening here but it’s pretty cool

Unexpected moment of zen this morning

A video posted by @vicwomg on

Let’s talk about Nick Pal

Eighty-FivE Song Happy Hour 15

He’s a dad, he’s a lawyer, he has his own radio show, he was in Readyville, he was born and raised in San Francisco, and he has his own monthly DJ night at one of my favorite bars of all time. Here’s what happens at Eighty-Five Song Happy Hour, which is tonight (and every first Wednesday, 6-9) at Pop’s:

Nick Pal spins short songs because life is short. Punk, pop, rock and power pop vinyl.

And he does a great job of it. Plus he lets me make all his poster art, which is nice. RSVP and invite your pals.

UPDATE (3:04pm): Nick adds, “[N]ationally ranked Hearthstone player, former Mission Mission staff writer, sober Sally.” Oh and I just remembered he’s also one of the few people with a 2-character Twitter handle.

Hey music nerds, check out Music Mondays at the Alamo Drafthouse!

I went on a whim last night and saw Urgh! A Music War, a cult-fave compilation of concert footage featuring the Police, Wall of Voodoo, the Go-Gos, Gang of Four, Gary Numan, Devo, Klaus Nomi, and lots more. It was very ’80s and very awesome. Check out this rippin’ performance by the Cramps:

Can’t believe I’d never seen that before!

Anyway, Music Mondays are every Monday at 10pm in the main (awesome) auditorium, tickets are only $5, you can eat and drink, and the movies are expertly chosen by our pal Mike Keegan.

Next week is Velvet Goldmine, and the week after that is Christiane F. Check out the full Alamo calendar and have yourself a blast!

First peek inside the new WesBurger n’ More

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It’s not quite open yet, but any day now it should be. It’s REAL warm and friendly inside.

Stay tuned for a special report on the jukebox, more info on the “More” thing, and hopefully we’ll get to announce the official opening date any day now.

Little Baobab to reopen this week, debut a new ‘Afro Wraps’ menu

afro wraps

Capp Street Crap reports:

Owner Marco Senghor said barring any hiccups, Little Baobab will reopen for business at 5 p.m. Friday. The restaurant, at 3376 19th St., between Mission and Capp streets, is adopting more of a fast food concept, serving crepes and African wraps made with some of the dishes and sauces served at its sister restaurant Bissap Baobab next door.

Sounds like these Afro Wraps could be a new late-night Mission go-to. Read on for more info.

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission