Look at this sandwich


Roast pork, smoked ham, roasted pineapple, pickled onion, jalapeno, lime mayonnaise.

Today’s special at Clare’s Deli.

[via Clare's Deli on Instragram]

Argus website still exists???


(Thanks, Josh!)

An idyllic valley somewhere in rural Northern California? Nope


It’s actually Glen Canyon, which is basically a mellow walk away from the southern edge of the Mission. Local blog Big Old Goofy World posted the above pic and the following explanation:

An idyllic valley somewhere in rural Northern California? Nope, this is Glen Canyon in the heart of San Francisco. I never went here much as a kid — maybe because the canyon had a seedier feel in those days. It’s now been restored to glory (no doubt through the work of many dedicated volunteers). There are miles of trails and wooden boardwalks, craggy dropoffs, thickets of willows and expanses of native grasses and other plants, like these California Poppies.

Read on for more.

Here’s a map:

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Now please read this stuff too…

Where should we go dancing this Saturday night?

I think we’ve got a couple options…

1.) All the way from NYC, it’s superstar DJ Jonathan Toubin, doing a free late-night session at the Chapel:


2.) Or if you wanna keep it local, our pal Tristes Tropiques is the special guest at Galaxy Radio at the Knockout:


How to dumpster dive

Our pal Jeff Seal shows us how it’s done on the mean streets of NYC:

Now please enjoy lots more great Jeff Seal stuff…

Bay Area Bike Share is finally expanding to the Mission!

Woohoo! Here are the proposed sites:

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I’ve gotta renew my membership!

See the whole map here.

Why does Gestalt appear to have been gutted?

Ashleyanne wants to know:

UPDATE: Here’s the answer:

Cool doormat


Saw this last night at a new friend’s house.

One time about 8 years ago I did a Q&A with John McCrea from Cake, and he talked a little about a changing San Francisco (and it was about 8 years ago, so it was election season then too):

There are some things that happened in San Francisco politics that could happen nowhere else in country. I’m grateful things are as progressive as they are. Compared to all the other cities that we visit in the United States, it’s pretty remarkable. People lambast us using catch phrases like “San Francisco values”, but i just think values are shitty everywhere else, so… live it up. That said, all my friends have moved to Portland, and I’m not sure if San Francisco’s gonna be as livable without any musicians or degenerates. Sure there are lots of great musicians and bands, but they’re musicians that happen to have jobs at Yahoo! or something.

Lol at the Yahoo reference, am I right? So 8 years ago. Read on for the full Q&A.

Now let’s rock out to my two favorite Cake songs about evictions and gentrification:

Politics in San Francisco in 1861

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We’ve come a long way I guess? I dunno, vote for Tom Temprano!

[via The Fog Bender]

Some thoughts on Facebook

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That being said, follow us on Facebook if you like ;)

And please enjoy all these old posts involving Facebook, especially the one about Zeitgeist closing…

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission