New edition of Amos Goldbaum’s rad Steph Curry shirt!

Steph Curry as Thunder shirts are back! Get one online (link in bio) or this weekend on Valencia and 23rd!

A photo posted by Amos Goldbaum (@amosgoldbaum) on

The stay-in generation

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Molly Young at the New York Times takes a look at why nobody on Monday morning at the office has a good answer anymore for the “How was your weekend?” query:

The reason is obvious: We no longer go out. And why would we, when the allure of staying in has reached irresistible proportions? Why risk a restaurant when you can order Seamless or sauté premade gnocchi from Blue Apron? Why go to a bar when you can swipe right? Why go to a reading when you can download a podcast? Why pay $15 to see a boneheaded Marvel rehash in theaters when the world of premium streaming content is at your fingertips? Food, entertainment, romance: The traditional weekend staples are now available entirely on demand. The centripetal force of our homes has never been stronger.

The rise of city-dwellers staying in is hard to quantify; how do you measure the frequency with which people don’t leave their homes? But culture, as usual, offers a mirror. Of all the customs that seem dated on shows like “Sex and the City” and “Entourage,” one of the most glaring is how often the characters went out — to premieres, cocktail parties, restaurant openings (are those even still a thing?), art openings, clubs … events. Multiple events in one evening! These tableaux have been replaced by Abbi and Ilana of “Broad City” getting trapped on the Internet all night and the stylishly domesticated Dev and Rachel on “Master of None” barely leaving their apartment.

Read on for lots more astute analysis and some stuff about Willa Cather. I particularly like the part about the upsides of going out (“You could have a life-altering adventure, meet your soul mate, find your new best friend”). And the line, “[W]hat’s the point of living in a city if you treat it like a suburb?”

So, for goodness sake, go out this week. Here are some ideas:

And of course…

  • American Tripps, the “Berlin-style” ping pong night, every Monday at Pop’s ;)

Have a life-altering adventure!!!

(“Master of None” is really good though.)

[Photo by Christine Huang]

Ribity is back!

(Ribity of course being an integral part of Mission Mission’s original look, and of course also maybe being Megan Fox.)

Mayor of SoMa Brock Keeling spotted this one down on 3rd Street over the weekend:

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And that reminded me that former Mission Mission intern Kevin Montgomery found this one on Mission Street a couple weeks ago (but he texted it to me at 10am on a Saturday morning so I promptly went back to sleep and forgot about it):


Now please enjoy all these old Ribity posts…

An explanation

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By the excellent local blog anadromy:

Dear Woman Who Parked on a Hill on Castro Street Yesterday,

I was coming back from the gym and still had my headphones in my ears when I saw you pull into the parking spot, so I didn’t hear that your car’s engine was still running when you got out and closed the door. It looked like you were walking away from your car instead of simply checking to make sure your rear bumper wasn’t sticking over the crosswalk. I swear I wasn’t trying to be a condescending jerk by cheerfully reminding you to turn your wheels as I walked by and I could plainly see that you, ‘Knew how to fucking drive.’ I misread the situation and was just trying to keep you from getting an expensive parking ticket.


The Accidental Man-splainer in the Santa Cruz Hoodie

[link] [Photo by salenoy]

Last chance to celebrate Chinatown street style – closing reception for “Chinatown Pretty”



CHINATOWN PRETTY: a photo exhibit celebrating SF Chinatown street style with photos and stories by Andria Lo and Valerie Luu

Friday, April 8th
41 Ross Alley / Chinatown, San Francisco CA 94108
Beer provided by Tiger Beer

Read lots more about the show and RSVP and invite your friends here!

SFPD vs. guy with a knife

Capp Street Crap reports:

Around 10 a.m., homeless outreach workers called police after spotting the man on Shotwell Street, between 18th and 19th, waving a kitchen knife, said San Francisco Police Department spokesman Albie Esparza. Officers fired four rounds with a bean bag gun but the man did not stop, he said.

“He charged at the officers with the knife,” Esparza said.

Officers then fired at least seven shots, he said.

Read on for photos, video and more reporting.

Something new is happening at Casa Sanchez

Here’s all we know so far:


I wonder if having one of those coveted Casa Sanchez tattoos will do you any good.

(Thanks, Jess!)

Feel like some Bourbon Brown Sugar or Raspberry Campari ice cream?

Got a note this morning from Grant from Sugar Bear Ice Cream, a new popup that’s popping up this weekend in the Mission:

This Saturday night we’re bringing two cocktail inspired flavors, Bourbon Brown Sugar and Raspberry Campari, as well as our herbaceous and delightfully surprising Basil ice cream and our rich and warming Mexican Chocolate.

I’d love for you to join us at Mateo’s Taqueria on Mission St and 21st from 6 to 10pm on Saturday and give our flavors a try.

Here are some tantalizing photos of their work:




Art opening tonight at the camping store


The party is 6-9pm, so you have time to pop in real quick before the big Spurs game. Here’s what’s up:

We are excited to announce the next Scott Ellsworth Gallery show at the Alite Outpost. “A Nite at Alite” will feature new works from Fur Ball Collective – a driving force behind San Francisco’s local art scene. They have been establishing non-traditional creative spaces in their homes and apartments as a means of showcasing group shows of local artists.

Fur Ball founders Christy Osorio, Alicia Griffiths, and Melissa Sáenz Gordon will be showing new works of photography, mixed media, and print publication that explore the journey urban dwellers take when seeking natural inspiration. If you have been to one of our guerilla shows in the past, then you know you don’t want to miss this!!

RSVP and invite your friends.

(Also of note, there’s now a vegan bakery inside the camping store too.)

You live really close to Crissy Field don’t forget

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[via Paolo]

Now please enjoy this list of everything I saw while hanging out at Crissy Field for 2 days straight back in 2014.

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission