Hey hey it’s a beautiful day

These AWESOME sandwiches I had at Clare’s Deli today

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In the foreground is the “Purple Rain,” which features a really nice helping of smashed blackberries. It’s the best use of fruit on a sandwich since the ham and banana sandwich at Cafe St. Jorge.

In the background is the “Island,” which has some shrimps and some slaw and this AMAZING kinda-hot-kinda-sweet sauce.

They were both on today’s specials board, so I’m not sure how long they’ll be around, but Clare’s Deli is doing lots of great stuff lately, so do check it out.


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[via The Fog Bender]

Wow look at this bagel from the new Wise Sons bagel place on Fillmore

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[via Paolo]

Punk karaoke last night

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[via punkgirls]

Dave Chappelle’s tribute to Prince, here in the Mission late last night

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He was doing one of his short-notice late-night sets, this time at the Chapel. The Chronicle was on the scene:

Chappelle ended up dedicating much of the four-hour show to Prince, sharing stories of how his sister introduced him to the funky music, how he was finally introduced to Prince in real life and how much he respected Prince’s fight to protect the rights of musicians and artists.

Backed by a band, Chappelle’s set was as much as a musical tribute as it was a laugh fest. He often encouraged the band to keep jamming since he believed they could “say more with music than I could ever say … all I have are pussy jokes left anyway.”

Martin Luther McCoy, a San Francisco singer who wore a black shirt that read “Purple Reign,” provided vocals for the night. He and the band performed a medley of Prince hits including sing-alongs like “Kiss” and “Nothing Compares 2 U,” during which Chappelle often had his head bowed. At one point, just after 3 a.m., Chappelle unsheathed a shiny tambourine that bore the “Artist Formerly Known as Prince” symbol.

Read on.

[Photo by m__nolia]

Two places to go twice this weekend

that's me inside your head

First, the Victoria Theater on 16th Street. (You’ve never been inside, and now’s your chance!) The SF International Film Festival is on for the next couple weeks, and this Saturday there are two great looking events:

  1. At 2pm they’re honoring Ellen Burstyn and then screening Requiem for A Dream!
  2. Then at 6pm it’s a new Greta Gerwig movie!

Next, over to Rickshaw Stop in Hayes Valley sort of. Great stuff all weekend:

  1. Saturday night it’s the Sheer Mag concert everybody’s been talking about!
  2. Sunday night brings the return of the Karaoke Underground from Austin! (Pictured.)

Have fun, everybody!

Make Me A Mixtape emo night turns 1 year old this Saturday at the Knockout


To mark the occasion, SF Weekly did a nice little Q&A with DJ Goonie Walsh:

You celebrate one-year of Make Me a Mixtape, an all-vinyl ‘90s/’00s emo night this Saturday. Describe to us the craziest night thus far.
It’s hard picking just one! I think I’d probably go with that one time where people were crowd surfing, singing “Hands Down” by Dashboard Confessional. That night we also ended up throwing an impromptu emo after party at my place and kept going all night with a bunch of friends and some of the people who were at the Knockout for emo night. Good times.

Since you guys play all vinyl all night, what’s the most surprising track/album you’ve ever found on vinyl? 
I’ve been collecting records for years. Ever since I was young, I was one of those kids who would go to shows and always buy vinyl. It’s interesting too because it was right around that time where vinyl was dying and CDs started to become popular, so some of the stuff from that era is either out of print or labels didn’t even bother to press. I think my most valuable and proudest possession is this Saves The Day 7-inch they pressed for I’m Sorry I’m Leaving. 

Read on for lots more info, and then RSVP and invite your friends!

Happy 420!

New film by Whit Stillman for Opening Night at the SF International Film Festival


Whit Stillman’s The Last Days of Disco has been one of my faves since I was way too young to understand its heavy themes about friendship and growing up and times a-changing. (I liked it for the witty banter and the tunes–which ran a cool NYC ’77 gamut that went way past just disco.) But I rewatched it a couple months ago and was struck by all the parallels with the Mission of today. We should all rewatch it. It’s got:

  • Yuppies
  • Ad agency guys
  • Young people who don’t really know what they want
  • Dance music
  • A little bit of reggae
  • Drugs
  • Mean girls
  • A vibrant scene gradually dying

Anyway, this Thursday at the Castro for Opening Night of this year’s SF International Film Festival, it’s Love & Friendship, Whit Stillman’s first new movie in 5 years (and only his second since 1998′s Last Days of Disco). I haven’t read anything about it because I hate spoilers, but look who’s in it:

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Should be awesome! Whit Stillman and Kate Beckinsale are expected to attend, and there’s an afterparty in the Mission after the movie.

Get tickets to either or both right, and read more about the movie, here.

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission