Phonographic Memory is tonight at the Main Library, and it’s all about 1996


Phonographic Memory is the event where neighbors get together and play records and share stories about them. Here, the Phono Mem team makes a case for skipping the first half of the Warriors game tonight:

Warriors fans, we know you are a little tense. You’ve been giving your team your full attention the past couple weeks, but granting them a little breathing room will actually help both you, and the team. By giving us an hour of your time tomorrow you can ease the pressure on the players, and order can be restored. The stress and tension will leave your body as you relax to stories and songs, and by the end of our session you will be enriched and ready to fully enjoy the last half of the game. Let’s be honest, that’s all you really need to watch anyway.

Debatable! But anyway, tonight’s program is specifically about 1996 and one of tonight’s special guests is Penelope Houston from the Avengers! RSVP and invite your friends!

Moon over the Mission


[via Arthur Alvarez]

It’s weird how the old Cliff House always looks totally fake in old pics, right?


Looks like a background painting in a silent film or something, right? But that’s an actual photograph of an actual building. Maybe it’s because the architecture is so gnarly, it makes us think of something fake we’d only see at Disneyland nowadays? It also looks very precariously — impossibly? — balanced out there on the cliff.

[via Nika]

Cool view of San Francisco

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(Leave the Mission more often!)

[via Eamon]

Three-legged dog party, coming in June to Duboce Park

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[via Kayla]

Too dangerous

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Our old pal zinzin, one of our earliest and most devoted commenters, left the Mission about 7 years ago, but he still goes to the gym here. Check this out:

my gym is at 16th & mission. i lived near that corner for almost 20 years. it’s the heart of sketchiness in sf. the blocks around it are a 24/7 open air drug & prostitution market. always has been. over the years, the sketch has been compressed down into the blocks immediately surrounding 16th & mission. the block where my gym is – mission between 15 & 16 – is particularly sketchy. big crowd of people – the same people – every day, and i go to the gym at 9am. commerce is clearly being done. mental illness is clearly on exhibit. it’s a crowd of almost exclusively black people (not too many black people live in the mission), many of them speaking spanish. i dont really have a horse in this race (so to speak – heroin being the main drug for sale) – i moved out of the hood 7 years ago – but I’m fascinated by the sociology. so, today, for the first time, i say more than ‘hi’ to one guy in this crowd who i see almost every day.

me: so dude, this is a big family here every day.
dude: yeah man, we got to get paid.
me: yeah i can tell there’s business going on.
dude: are you a cop?
me: dude you see me every day. you think I’m a cop?
dude: i have to ask.
me: i dont care what y’all do out here, but I’m amazed that the cops dont shut you down.
dude: nah, it’s live and let live with the cops unless there’s violence.
me: i never see any
dude: only at night. dont come through here at night.
me: i used to live right around the corner here.
dude: i would never live in this neighborhood. it’s too dangerous.

[Photo by Google Maps]

Ryan Christopher Parks solves the Dolores Park reservation problem

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Thanks, Ryan!

DJ Wam Bam Ashleyanne returns to American Tripps tonight at Pop’s!

S/W Ver: 96.B0.0AR

That’s a pic I took of Wam Bam Ashleyanne the night she deejayed our first ever American Tripps Halloween party, at the Secret Alley way back in 2011. It was one of the best parties ever!

Tonight she returns (for the first time in a while) to American Tripps (the “Berlin-style” ping pong night), which is now every Monday night at Pop’s, and it sounds like it’s gonna be a fun one:

I’m bringing only jammers tonight, spanning 60′s Soul & R&B hipshakers, French Psych stompers, and even some good time favorites like The Mummies, The Okmoniks, Tullycraft, and more! It’s a trash bag full of goodness!

RSVP and invite your friends!

Balompié Cafe shutting down for a while

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Eek! Capp Street Crap reports:

The Salvadoran restaurant, at the corner of 18th and Capp Streets, is closing as of May 29 until next year while their building is retrofitted. Manager Evelyn Figueroa said work is being done to their basement and the first floor and that the hope is to reopen next February.

Read on for more about the Balompié owner’s new endeavor AND the second Balompié location you may or may not already know about.

Should you give up the fight?


Make sure you’re registered to vote btw, today is the deadline in California:

[Photo by Andrea Baker, via Patricia Orene]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission