Photo of fog spilling into the Mission


Btw they’re making half the roadways on Twin Peaks car-free, awesome.

[via Ronuae]

Photo of a bunch of people waiting for Caltrain

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[via Jen]

When will I see you again?

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[via Aggo]

Protestors protesting Mathieu Verbeeck and Catherine Crevels, tech couple and evictors of Mission mother and daughter


[via The Tens]

Please read our original post on the topic if you like.

Here’s a pretty cool view

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I’m pretty sure it’s from the tall building in the background here:

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[Original photo by Adam Thorman; other photo by Google Maps]

Cool song about 597 Guerrero Street called “597 Guerrero Street”

The band Drunken Prayer is from Asheville, NC, it looks like. I stumbled onto this while wondering what former Reigning Sound drummer Lance Wille (one of the greatest drummers I’ve ever seen) was up to.

Here’s a photo of 597 Guerrero Street and its neighbor, Pay and Save:

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[Photo by Google Maps]

“At some point the people of San Fran will look up from their smart phones and realize they’ve turned one of the funkiest places in the world into a mall”


Blogging legend (and former Mission dweller) Tony Pierce (of the world-famous Busblog, LAist, the LA Times, and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) reacts to today’s news about Mr. Bing’s:

I first went to Mr. Bings with Marc Brown. Mellow, uncompromised, simple, comfy, respectable dive bar across the street from a peep show. Leave it to Frisco to intend to do it harm.

I am sure there are still some smart people in SF. Mark Johnson, Barney Greinke, and Allan Hough immediately come to mind. Sadly they are not political muscle men or power brokers.

At some point the people of San Fran will look up from their smart phones and realize they’ve turned one of the funkiest places in the world into a mall.

Hopefully the zombie apocalypse will go down soon and when it does I hope the zombies realize that the most brains per capita are in No Cal and they start there.

Drinks after the apocalypse at the 500 Club.

Looking forward to it, Tony.

(And also, there’s the news about the Stud.)

Local historian David Enos on what it’s like to be a local historian


In the wake of our post about local historian David Enos’s old photo of the Key Man/Mr. Key storefront on Mission Street, Mr. Enos talked a bit on Facebook about what it’s like to be a local historian:

The neighborhoods honestly did not change all that much for the greater bulk of the two decades I’ve been here. The little laundromat/alteration place in our neighborhood is currently being terraformed into a craft brewery. I just hope they don’t think to install sidewalk seating or a parklet so we have to cringe past yet another pop-up Oracle Convention every day. [link]

The Fourth of July, WesBurger style

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That’s a special “Red, White and Blue” burger (with blue cheese, red peppers and fried white onions), and down here are fried Katz’s full sour pickle pickle spears (with farm dressing), damn. All weekend long.

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[via WesBurger on Instagram]

Mission street food


Looks like peanut butter on a English muffin? Looks pretty enticing for a hunk of garbage on the street, right? I allllmost took a bite.

(Thanks, Alex!)

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission