Yakitori Tuesdays at Namu featuring the BEST SANDWICH IN SAN FRANCISCO, starts tonight!


Here’s Namu Gaji‘s official announcement:

We will be launching the Crokune for a limited time at Namu Gaji with our new chicken skewer focused Yakitori Tuesdays!

What’s a crokune? Crispy, buttery everything croissant from Neighbor Bakehouse stuffed with soft and rich tsukune meatballs that have been caramelized by the kiss of binchotan charcoal and finished with beet mayo and an umami-rich tare glaze. MissionMission.org calls it the best sandwich in SF right now.

The crokune will be amongst a number of specialty items available from the Pink Zebra himself Chef Jesse Koide in collaboration with Chef Dennis Lee.

Expect a rotating seasonal selection of skewers ($4 – $5.75) in addition to the crokune ($9.50), including:
- aged hen + scallion

- chicken tsukune

- crispy chicken skin skewers

- spicy chicken hearts

- boneless wing

- chicken thigh

- seasonal vegetables from the namu farm

Read our original review of the Crokune here — and then c u tonight!Q!!!!


Trying to draw Garfield from memory last night at Zeitgeist

First attempt:


And another one, after the hint that the trick to it has something to with the circles:


And then after giving up and looking at a picture of him for a sec:


Now please enjoy these other posts about Garfield…

How good does this bacon-wrapped hot dog look?


[via █▬█◉⋒ㅌ⑂ ᶨ℮✝⑀]

Now please enjoy all these other posts about hot dogs…

BBQ Lamb Shawarma Tots this week at WesBurger

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[via WesBurger on Instagram]

La Taqueria opening new location


7×7 reports:

La Taqueria, home of America’s best burrito, is opening up a second location on Thursday. But as splendid and amazing as this news is, you’ll be sad to know that the new location is in Turlock, a small town near Modesto and a two hour drive from San Francisco. The second restaurant will run by the owner’s daughter, Irene Gonzales, and will have the same recipes and secret menu as the original. There will also be more meats on the menu: al pastor, grilled chicken, and shrimp, as well as a shrimp cocktail (which just may be reason enough to make the trek). [link]

Turlock here we come!

[Photo via Burrito Justice's post about how La Taqueria used to be a dive bar]

All the songs I sang at karaoke last night


It started as an accident and then spiraled out of control:

  1. Eloise – The Damned
  2. Delilah – Tom Jones
  3. Dawn – The Four Seasons
  4. Julia – The Beatles
  5. Veronica – Elvis Costello
  6. Beth – KISS
  7. Jolene – Dolly Parton
  8. Valerie – Amy Winehouse

It was awesome.

Support your local karaoke night! (In the Mission we recommend DJ Purple on Thursdays at Slate and Roger Niner on third Fridays at Pop’s.)

Drink of the Week: ‘Fruity, yet dry’ blackberry cider by Two Rivers

At Shotwell’s starting tonight:

Here’s a photo:

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[Photo by Amy K.]

Now please enjoy all these other Drinks of the Weeks…

“Dracula Dance” by David Enos

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Local animator David Enos just finished this great short film about some young people having a party:

Long-lived birdhouse mural finally going away :(


Capp Street Crap reports:

One of the most loved murals in the Mission is disappearing.

“Generator” — its intertwined birdhouses and frantic birds sprawl across an entire side of 3469 18th St. — is being painted over to complete much needed repair work to the building, according to Andrew Sorensen, who owns the shop at that address, Lexington Standard. The silver lining is that artists who created it, Andrew Schoultz and Aaron Noble, have agreed to paint a new mural in its place, he said.

Read on for lots more info.

Special guest DJ Tristes Tropiques tonight at American Tripps!

Here is what it will be like:

A video posted by Allan Hough (@punkgirls) on

Plus ping pong.

American Tripps (the “Berlin-style” ping pong party) is now EVERY MONDAY and Pop’s (and the big 5th anniversary party is coming up on a Friday night at Rickshaw Stop next month), and Tristes Tropiques hosts a radio show this Saturday on Radio Valencia.

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission