Last Nite (the ’00s dance party) celebrates its 3-year anniversary this Friday!


Three years old already! Pretty soon they’re gonna be brainstorming ideas for a ’10s-themed dance party!

Here’s the invite:

Last Nite 3 Year Anniversary Party
with special guests Moving Units

COMPLIMENTARY 12oz. PBR to the 1st 100 paid guests, + $1 off PBR Tall Boys all night!

DJs Jamie Jams & Rocky (Last Nite), Omar Perez (POPSCENE, Club Leisure), Mario Muse (The Queen Is Dead) & Marco de la Vega (120 MINUTES)

Photos by MM (Club ID)

$15 door // $10 with RSVP before 10PM
9PM // 21+ with Valid ID


RSVP and invite your friends!


Drink of the Week: Limited edition dry-hopped Anchor Steam at Bender’s

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We stopped by for a pint last night and it was pretty cool. A rare twist on one of the most classic (and consistent) tastes in SF (and the world).

[Photo by Bender's on Instagram]

Now please enjoy all these past Drinks of the Weeks…

Earthquake memories


I was at the Cal Academy of Sciences the other night for their weekly NightLife party (where it’s 21+ and there’s booze everywhere) and came upon this portion of their earthquake exhibit wherein visitors are asked to share earthquake-related memories.

Here’s a good one from the Mission:


And this one is good too:


Drink of the Week: Lo-Fi Aperitifs’ dry vermouth on the rocks (while watching the Goonies at Film Night in the Park)

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Those exact circumstances might be hard to duplicate — but you can definitely pick up Lo-Fi Aperitifs products at Royal Cuckoo Market on 19th Street, just a couple blocks from the park, which gets you about halfway there. Here’s what the bottle looks like:


And here’s a closeup of the label, which gives you a nice hint of what to expect:

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And all those ingredients are local! Read all about it, and Lo-Fi Aperitifs’ other fine products, here.

Note also that this stuff goes really good in cocktails, like this one my pal Jess had:

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(That photo is by Jess.)

Now please enjoy all these previous Drinks of the Weeks…

Goonies in the park this Saturday night!

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Film Night in the Park 2016 presents Goonies in Dolores Park this Saturday night right after the sun goes down! Here’s a blurb about Film Night:

Film Night in the Park is San Francisco’s premiere outdoor film series. Over 125,000 people have attended Film Night in San Francisco since 2003. Films are presented free of charge on a giant outdoor screen in beautiful park settings. Attendees are encouraged to picnic before screenings and are discouraged from bringing chairs.

Check the rest of the schedule here.

[Fan art by █▬█◉⋒ㅌ⑂ ᶨ℮✝⑀]

Mission-based Berlin-style ping pong party celebrates 5th anniversary this Friday night!



Here’s what I wrote in my blog post about the first one ever, way back in August 2011:

Well, this has been a dream of mine for a couple years now. The first time I played ping pong in Berlin, my mind was blown and I chanted for weeks and months, “WHY DO WE NOT HAVE THIS IN SAN FRANCISCO???”

Now we do. It’s a party called American Tripps and it debuts the first two Fridays in August.


It starts mellow, everybody strolling around the table, drinks in hand, possibly movin’ to the music, getting to know the people next to you in the circle. And as people mess up and the ranks dwindle, the action gets serious. But not too serious. It’s all in good fun. It’s fun to watch, it’s fun to hang out. It’s fun. It’s the best!

And it still is! I’m still hungover from last night at Pop’s (where we do American Tripps each and every Monday now) thanks to lots of ping pong and lots of beers and shots and lots of bangers by DJ Beauregard.

Friday is gonna be wild.

Here’s the official invite:

It’s been FIVE YEARS! Let’s party!!!

AMERICAN TRIPPS: The “Berlin-Style” Ping Pong Party
**********5th Anniversary Party*************

• Berlin-style ping pong action ALL NIGHT
• Resident DJs Beauregard & Nutzeffekt (aka Malcolm + Allan) spinning vinyl fresh from Berlin (and elsewhere)
• Birthday cake!
• Party favors!
• Dancefloor up on stage!
• Drink specials!
• Birthday surprises!
• Special appearances by Kramer and Newman (possibly)

Also, we’re sort of filling in for Popscene, so this is an 18+ party! Tell your kids!

Only $5 (because 5 years) at the door (plus an extra $2 if you’re under 21).

As always, please RSVP and invite your friends!!!

Historical Preservation Committee lends support to Doc’s Clock

It might not completely save the day, but every little bit helps… Capp Street Crap reports:

Last week, the city’s Historical Preservation Committee voted to approve the bar for the city’s legacy business program, which offers financial incentives to protect the city’s older vulnerable businesses. Doc’s Clock will cement its new status if the Small Business Commission votes in its favor at a meeting later this month.

Doc’s Clock has about a year and two months remaining on its lease at 2575 Mission St., which changed hands in July of last year. The new owner has decided not to renew the bar’s lease.

Read on for the details of the program and some thoughts from Doc’s owner Carey Suckow.

And then also, if you want, read my emo poem about Doc’s from a couple months ago.

[Photo of Doc's Clock's bathroom ceilings in 2010 by Fred M.]

Banana thief


[via █▬█◉⋒ㅌ⑂ ᶨ℮✝⑀]

Modern romance

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[via Brock Keeling on Instagram]

Now please enjoy these other posts about modern romance…

How to lock up your bike


[via █▬█◉⋒ㅌ⑂ ᶨ℮✝⑀]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission