What’s in the pocket of those jeans you haven’t worn since 2008?

[via Andrew Sarkarati on Instagram]

Royal Cuckoo Market might get a beer and wine license!

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Drink a few brewskies while you shop for brewskies? Cross your fingers. Capp Street Crap reports:

Known for its array of fancy liquor, the tiny market is pursuing a beer and wine license which, if approved, would allow them to start serving in the store.

Although letters have been sent to neighbors and a California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control already hangs in the store’s front window, owner Paul Miller wrote in an email that the process could still take months – if they get the approval at all.

Read on.

[Photo by Google Maps]

Big bird


[via The Tens]

What’s important

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[via Ross]

Doc’s Clock will reopen in a new space a block up Mission Street!!!

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HEAVEN SMILES UPON US!!!!!!!!!! Mission Local reports:

“We are moving Doc’s Clock and are going to do our best to keep it the same. We will have the same staff, the same shuffleboard, the same bar stools and the same bar,” wrote owner Carey Suckow in an email.

Little else will change, with the exception of larger bathrooms, Suckow said. She hopes to move the bar by the end of their current lease, pending Planning Department approval, and the landlord is willing to host the bar’s iconic sign as well, though it’s not yet exactly clear if and how that will be arranged.

Yussssss! (And it’s closer to my house now!) Read on!

[Photo by Google Maps]

Craigslist rental listing for Dolores Street “Airbnb cash cow” flagged for removal

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Mission Local reported on the listing earlier this week:

A nine-bedroom home on Dolores Street near 16th Street is for rent for $18,000 a month, possibly as an “Airbnb Cash Cow” or a tech incubator.

The broker, Bill Harkins, said any master tenant who chooses to pursue the rental as an Airbnb short term rental rather than a family home or a home for several roommates would have to follow all city ordinances, which includes getting a business license and registering as a short term rental hotel with the city. He added that he got the idea that someone might like to use the building as such from a former tenant, who told him she made $70,000 a year providing short term rental rooms.

Despite Harkins’ insistence that everything would be by-the-book, the listing is now gone. Read on for more.

Love in the bathroom at Latin American Club

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[via Ariel Dovas on Instagram]

Inside the WesBurger fried chicken burrito

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[via WesBurger on Instagram]

It’s It pins!

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From PSA Press, the makers of the Casa Sanchez “Jimmy the Cornman” pin and the Doggie Diner head pin, a very special new set:

*Choose from Vanilla, Mint, or the BRAND NEW 2016 flavor Green Tea. Buy all 3 as a set and save $$$ (see options/images below)

A San Francisco legend that was born in 1928 when it was first created and sold exclusively at the equally iconic Playland Amusement Park next to Ocean Beach that closed in 1972 after 46 years. There are 6 well known IT’S-IT flavors. On August 18th, 2016 the latest (7th) flavor was revealed to be Green Tea.

Limited Edition enamel pin

1.25 inches

Hard enamel antique gold with 3 color fill and two butterfly clutches on the back to prevent spinning.

*You can have the actual ice cream treat delivered: www.itsiticecream.com

Get your It’s It pins here, and/or browse the rest of PSA Press’s products here.

A campaign slogan we can get behind

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[via Chef Danny Bowien on Instagram]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission