Pauline’s for sale for $150k :(

S/W Ver: 96.B0.0AR

 Capp Street Crap reports:

On Sunday night, an ad popped up on Craigslist that lists a sale price for the restaurant and wine bar of $150,000. Pauline’s, known for thin-crust pizzas and creative toppings that were often dependent on what was good in the restaurant’s organic gardens, has been in business at 260 Valencia St. since 1985. The restaurant has also long had a tradition of stocking their tables with containers of crayons, giving patrons young and old a chance to doodle on paper-covered tablecloths while they waited for their food.

Read on.

[Photo by Honey Jets, 2011]

Oakland Fire benefit party this Wednesday night at El Rio


It’s called “Yours Truly, A benefit for the victims of the Ghost Ship fire,” it’s got lots of local talent, and it kicks off at 9pm, this Wednesday. Here’s the invite:

“Not everything has to be on the main road, sometimes you find paradise in the smallest places” – Frankie Knuckles

Fellow Dream Makers,
Our community has been struck by a tremendous loss this past weekend. We admire your resilience and honor your commitment to the collective magic. We are strongest together. Like many of you we are at a loss for words. We all find solace, however, in our community.

This Wednesday night Hard French and El Rio invite you to gather, embrace, share, be, dance, sing or just get some air with family while we honor our fallen primos in Oakland.

Hard French with DJ Carnita and Brown Amy
Carlos Souffront
Vin Sol (Club Lonely , Soo Wavey)
Josh Cheon (Honey Soundsystem, Dark Entries)
More TBA

Thao (Thao +TGDSD)
Tender Forever
Scott Moore (Live Set)
Hot Lunch

RSVP and invite your friends!

And for other ways to help, KQED put together this helpful list of links.

Cyclist hit by Dark blue Mini Cooper on Potrero Avenue on Tuesday night

Reader Ashley wrote in with the info and a plea:

My friend Dana was hit while riding her bike Tuesday 11/29 going southbound on Potrero between 22nd & 23rd (in front of SFGH), sometime between 10:15-10:27 pm. Specifically, she was hit at 1072 Potrero. PLEASE HELP US LOCATE THE DRIVER. If you were in the area at the time & witnessed the accident, or if you have seen a DARK BLUE, late model MINI COOPER which is now missing a SIDE MIRROR, contact me!! Any information could be helpful. SF is a small city and I know we can find the person who hit my friend & fled the scene if this post gets around. Please, please share!!!!

Please share!

Please enjoy this Serrano’s Pizza commercial

Home of the most expensive slice in SF.

(Thnaks, Jess!)

Don’t miss Alex Cameron opening for Thee Oh Sees tonight at the Chapel

He and his band totally stole the show last night. (But Thee Oh Sees ruled too.) Watch this video:

The show has been sold out for a while, but I’m sure you can find a way in.

Remembering the big salad at Ti Couz


I stumbled onto this old photo (by Flickr user marie.francille) after I stumbled onto this old Mission Mission post (about people not eating at Ti Couz because the name made them think of vaginas) while looking for Star Wars-related Mission Mission posts for the “related posts” section of my post about Doc Pop’s new pin earlier.

Look at that salad. It sure was a nice big salad.

Grand Moff Tarkin enamel pin


Local artist Doc Pop explains his latest creation:

Ever spent so much time searching for a thing, that you finally decided to just make it for yourself? I’m a big Star Wars fan and really wanted a high quality enamel pin based Grand Moff Tarkin’s imperial uniform. So I finally made some.

 Nice one, Doc! For sale here or at Mission: Comics & Art on Mission Street.

[via Doc's blog]

Scenes from a DEVO vs. Talking Heads party a couple weekends ago at El Rio




The bands were killer (Suburban Robots, our local DEVO cover band, play December 9th at the Ivy Room in the East Bay between a Cure cover band and a Pixies cover band!!), the patio was packed and the weather was nice, and the whiskey was flowin’ (thanks to my pals at Jameson Irish Whiskey and all the Jameson Black Barrel they bought us as part of all the good work they do for the Movember charity!). Thanks, everybody! What a night!!


Lots more pics after the jump…


Sneak peek inside WesBurger’s new tiki bar!!!

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The Den, it’s called! Punches are its speciality!

Open to the public December 2nd! Adjacent to WesBurger ‘n’ More’s main entrance!

[via WesBurger 'n' More on Instagram]

Super vintage drink tokens from Jack’s Bar on 24th Street a MILLION years ago

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Check out this total throwback recently unearthed by our ol’ pal Lizzy (former Mission Mission contributor) (who years ago relocated to another city altogether):

Wow don’t remember when or why I got these besides that it was probably right about this time 5 years ago. Actually, I was probably hanging onto them for @punkgirls one night or something. Viva Thursdays at Jacks. I’m even listening to Rilo Kiley 😶 [link]

RIP Jack’s!!! Also, what the F is happening with that space anyway??? (DJ Purple’s karaoke night ended, and then they closed up altogether, and then some refurbishment seemed to start, and then it stalled, and now it’s been sitting vacant for about a million years.)

Let’s rock:

And now please enjoy all these Jack’s-related posts from over the years…

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission