Gluten gag

[via Mission Local]

Two-fisted two-lane skeeball

Double the fun! (And even more challenging that that new way of bowling!)

All-female DJ lineup spinning 8-hour marathon of soul, girl groups and garage tonight at Beauty Bar

RSVP and invite your friends!

Some insane ramblings about Obama scrawled on a sidewalk

Hilarious photo of a pigeon choking on a piece of popcorn

Where does this rank against the pigeon stuck in a Cheetos bag and the pigeon got knocked out of the sky by a frisbee?

[via The Heated]

Kerry’s Restaurant, home of ‘Chicken Salad Delectable’ and the ‘Midnite Burger’

Bernalwood went down a delectable history hole this morning and came back with a bunch of great stuff about Kerry’s Restaurant. The above shot is from 1986, can you believe it?

And check out this menu, from way back in the ’60s:


This is bowling, there are rules!

Or maybe not.

Pre-gentrification Hayes Valley looked a little different

I love this pic! That’s Hayes Street at Gough. There’s a double-decker freeway where my friend Trusha’s pilates studio is now! And there’s a Moishe’s Pipic where Moishe’s Pipic used to be!

Dang I miss Moishe’s Pipic. And sometimes I still miss the Fell Street offramp, which I guess has been gone for over a decade now. (Good thing I can still experience it virtually thank to this home movie I made on its final day of existence.)

The Bold Italic has this and a whole bunch more early ’90s Hayes pics here.

Cool ad for DJ Primo’s Slow Jams party

Every Tuesday night at the Make-Out Room.

Looking down at the Mission from high atop Potrero Hill

The city was looking especially beautiful this morning. Something about the crispness of the air or something I think.

That was a real nice walk.

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission