SF fashion vs. NYC fashion

Local fashion blog SF Looks is now defunct — but the crew has relocated to New York and started a new endeavor called NYC Looks, and it’s pretty good:

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Read on to see what Antonio has to say about his look.

And please enjoy all the times we spotlighted an SF Looks look back in the day…

Happy Fourth!

From all of us at Mission Mission and our good pal DJ Tristes Tropiques…

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Fashion at Burger Boogaloo vs. fashion at Phono del Sol

Both take place in the early summer at smallish neighborhood parks (Boogaloo at Mosswood Park in Oakland, and Phono at Potrero del Sol here in the Mission), and both do a great job of mixing local talent with exciting touring acts (Boogaloo’s headliner this time was Iggy Pop and Phono’s was Oh Sees)

Mai from Fashionist was there for both. Can you guess which is which??…….



Click through to Fashionist for more from both festivals, and elsewheres.

More “red carpet” Muni/taxi lanes coming soon to the Mission?

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Ooh boy, 16th Street gonna get even gnarlier! The Examiner reports:

Muni’s latest experiment, the “red carpet” transit-only lanes has split San Franciscans’ opinions, but now the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is contemplating at least 50 new streets to play host to the transit lanes.

Bus riders and numerous studies say they’re a boon to transit, speeding up the previously molasses-slow buses and trains during commute hours. An alliance of homeowners and merchants, however, decry the lanes for making traveling by car more difficult, potentially driving away customers from mom and pop shops.

Read on for more of the story and the complete citywide map.

Tranquil Dolores Park holiday weekend tableau

Roast beef sandwiches and curly fries coming soon to Discolandia



Journey through the Mission

UPDATE: Doc has a bunch more of these here.

Lucky 13 enamel pin (RIP Lucky 13)

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By the fine folks at PSA Press. Available at Lucky 13, while it lasts, or here.

“Rookie drunks & underage chumps NOT welcome – ever.”

Listen to this summer banger ‘Yes and No’ by the Tambo Rays

Yesterday I posted a 5-year-old Tambo Rays song in our announcement about the 20th Street Block Party lineup, saying “it still feels like a summer banger for the present.”

Just now a Bandcamp notification told me to check out a new release by the Tambo Rays, and it turns out it’s an even better summer banger, definitely expressly for the present:

Click through to preorder their forthcoming new album (which gets you an immediate download of “Yes and No”), and then see them play Noise Pop’s 20th Street Block Party, August 19th. Pencil it in.

Announcing this year’s 20th Street Block Party lineup!


Just in time for you to finally be recovering from your Phono del Sol sunburn, it’s time to get excited about the summer’s other big party on the east side of the Mission, Noise Pop’s 20th Street Block Party! Here’s da blurb:

The free neighborhood celebration will bring an eclectic mix of music and entertainment, food and drink, and art to multiple stages along 19th and 20th Streets. In 20th Street Block Party tradition, the music will include some of the best in the Bay Area and beyond. Past performances have included Thao & The Get Down Stay Down, Mac Demarco, Two Gallants, Nick Waterhouse, Andrew St. James, and more. Last year’s Block Party saw 20,000 people in attendance and featured Chicano Batman, Miami Horror, Boulevards, Hazel English, and more.

This year’s culinary offerings will be carefully curated to represent a wide array of the Mission’s best flavors. Among the 2016 culinary highlights were Flour + Water, Burma Bear, Farmhouse Kitchen Thai, Universal Café, and many more. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements on this year’s program—including music, food, family-friendly Art Row activities, nonprofit vendors and partners, and more—in the coming months.

And here’s my favorite Tambo Rays song (from a few years back but it still feels like a summer banger for the present):

RSVP and invite your friends!

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission