Help keep Lost Weekend Video in the Mission!

It’ll come as no surprise that Lost Weekend Video has long been in danger of having to close up shop. Netflix, HBO Go, Popcorn Time, etc. But they’ve been on Valencia Street since the late ’90s, they’re a living relic of the Mission’s storied past, AND they’re continually taking cool steps toward remaining relevant and exciting.

Firstly, they started up the basement Cinecave performance space where they’ve been doing all kinds of cutting-edge comedy the last couple years. More recently, they’ve welcomed 1-2-3-4 Go! Records in to share the space, and hopefully that’s revving up business a little.

But also, with the help of some crowdfunding, they’d like to do all of this:

We will enhance & expand our video & retail services to better serve the needs of the 21st Century film enthusiast, including:

  1. A fully searchable online catalog, with IMDB links & weekly updates of new acquisitions.
  2. Rental delivery service for when you can’t get down to the store.
  3. Buying & selling of DVD/VHS collections, including new releases, collectibles & special orders.
  4. A continuously stocked collection of our own signature tees, totes & hoodies as well as related local & custom merchandise.
  5. Affordable video transfer services on-site.
  6. Continuing operation of our overwhelmingly popular Cinecave comedy shows.

On their crowdfunding page, for different donation levels you get all sorts of perks, like free video rentals and cool shirts and stuff. 32 hours left to donate! Check it out.

[Photo by 1-2-3-4 Go! Records SF on Instagram]

Zeppole are coming

Our pal Emily Nathon (former Mission Community Market manager, and legendary garbage hero) has teamed up with DanVy Vu of the Streatery truck to start a ZEPPOLE business, and they’re hitting the Mission for the first time this Saturday!

What’s a zeppole you ask? Why, it’s some kind of awesome Italian doughnut! Here’s another picture:

The zeppole business is called Girl Friday and they’re popping up at Tiny Warrior Coffee on 18th Street on Saturday morning 10am-1pm.


If you’re a true fan of pulled pork sandwiches, get yourself a pulled pork sandwich from New Hampshire Market

It’s a modest but perfect sandwich. (This picture doesn’t really do it justice, but I didn’t think to take it til I was almost done.)

20th and Hampshire.

(And remember to call your corner store by its name instead of just “corner store”.)

Tonight’s the final night at the Lex, AND the premier of a short film about the Lex

Lauren wrote in to tell us about all about it:

I realize you’ve run a few “lex is closing” posts – but we wanted to let you know about our project – part of which is a short documentary about the lex which is premiering at the San Francisco International Film Fest on April 30th, which also happens to be the last night of service at the Lex! AFTER PAAAAARTYY!! Just kidding, we will be working after the screening documenting the last night for the feature length that we are developing (by “developing”, we mean “fundraising”).

The short screens tonight at the Kabuki as part of a multifaceted program about a changing San Francisco. Get tickets and info here.

And check out the Lexington Club Archival Project for more.

An intimate look at the domestic lives of roommates Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig

Local art collective Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club presents a very special group art show tonight at local comics and art shop Mission: Comics & Art

The show takes an intimate look at the domestic lives of roommates Henry Rollins (from Black Flag) and Glenn Danzig (from The Misfits) with over 60 paintings, drawings and original pages from the “Henry and Glen Forever and Ever” comic book series curated by by indie-heavyweight Tom Neely (Image Comics) and featuring San Francisco notables Ed Liuce (Wuvable Oaf / Fantagraphic Comics), Beth Dean, Fred Noland, Gabrielle Gamboa, Geoff Vasille and Justin Hall, along with indie comic heroes Alex Chiu, Banjamin Marra, Bruno Guerreiro, Chuck BB, Grant Reynolds, J.T. Dockery, Jeremy Baum, Jeremy Owen, Josh Bayer, Mark Rudolph, Megan Hutchison and Scot Nobles.

The opening reception will be on Thursday April 30th from 7pm to 10pm at Mission Comics & Art at 3520 20th St, suite B (between Mission and Valencia St), San Francisco, CA 94110, and will run through Saturday May 30th.

RSVP and invite your friends.

Peeking out

Just a reminder that control is an illusion and we’re forever at the mercy of nature’s fury.

[via Kayla and Brenna]

(The Kayla link is a video btw if you wanna click on it and watch.)

Check out Safeway’s satellite Dolores Park

Pretty similar to the real thing (seeing as how the real thing is STILL mostly fenced off.)

[via Denise]

P.S. Be sure to click on some of these related Safeway posts, especially the “how do you feel about Safeway” one…

Buttermilk is softly open

Southern cookin’ at 23rd and Bryant.

Here’s what it looks like:

Here’s the dinner menu:

The fried chicken was legit.

Hot new look for spring: Hot lips


[via Christian]

UPDATE: A behind the scenes shot by Val…

Listen to the new single by Andy Human and the Reptoids

Remember Andy from the Cuts and the Time Flys? If so, you’ve been hanging out at the Knockout for a looooong time now, man.

Anyway his new stuff is still retro, but a little more ’80s than ’60s or ’70s. The press release contains the phrase “faded VHS glam punk hangover.” Give it a listen:

The album is out in late May on Ss Records out of Sacramento, and the band is playing a couple dates in SF in the coming weeks:

05/23 – Parkside with Violence Creeps, tbd
06/04 – Record release at Knockout with MUSK, Stalls, and The Rays

[Photo by Danny Goldshtein]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission