‘Heathers the Musical’ coming soon to the Victoria Theatre

To be clear:

Heathers: The Musical is the darkly delicious story of Veronica Sawyer, the brainy and beautiful misfit who hustles her way into the most powerful and ruthless clique at Westerberg High: the Heathers. But before she can get comfortable atop the high school food chain, Veronica falls for the dangerously sexy new kid, J.D. When Heather Chandler, the Almighty, kicks her out of the group, Veronica decides to bite the bullet and kiss Heather’s aerobicized ass…but J.D. has another plan for that bullet.

Tickets and lots more info here.

Virgin America braces for ‘HELLA full’ flight to Los Angeles

[via Megan]

Fun with shrimp chips

Next level shrimp chip animation right here. This piece is entitled: Love at first bite. 👯👀👅💦

A video posted by Katie & Valerie (@ricepapersf) on

Holy cow did you know the Concourse Exhibition Center is fucking GONE?

It was there a minute ago!

Here’s what this view used to look like:

I was speculating with Luke Spray of Roll Over Easy last night as to what will probably be erected in its place. We’re thinking probably affordable housing and some kind of organic farm, probably.

Here’s what the main entrance looked like:

Now it is a pit.

I saw the Strokes there once.

The best latkes in the Mission

The only problem is, you’re gonna have to make them yourself. (Or befriend Ariel Dovas or his mom Barbara.) (I was out of town for their annual Hanukkah party this past year and it was a total bummer.)

This month Lucky Peach started a new series called We Love Mom, about great food our moms make. For each installment, they get a kid to write a little intro about one of their mom’s recipes, then they do a little Q&A with the mom and print the recipe.

Here’s part of Ariel’s intro to today’s piece about Barbara’s latkes:

I was born and raised in Santa Cruz, CA, and my mom and I moved to San Francisco’s Mission District in 1993, when I was thirteen. Despite the fact that she was a single mom who worked long hours, she made sure I always had a good meal. She is endlessly supportive, and a great model for being a caring, compassionate, nurturing yet powerful force in this world. And she’s just really fun.

No matter what we had in the kitchen—or didn’t—my mom saw an opportunity for a great meal. She was truly amazing at pulling together a balanced meal seemingly out of thin air. We ate eighties Santa Cruz hippie health food, and while other kids had things like cookies sweetened with things stronger than fruit juice, our food was our food, and I just kind of accepted that. For the most part, my mom’s food wasn’t flashy or showy; it wasn’t supposed to be. It was healthy, warm, comforting, and it was there when I was hungry. It’s still what I try to replicate when I cook for myself at home.

Read on for more more pics, Q&A with Barbara — and of course the recipe.

What the pulled pork sandwich from New Hampshire Market looks like when you get it with sides

…and you remember to take a picture before you’re nearly finished eating:

They also do sausages — and sometimes ribs apparently.

20th and Hampshire.

Sidewalk dragon

Trippy, man.

Chalk Visions has a bunch more pics here.

Does my debut album have nothing to do with the Mission, or is it ALL about the Mission?

I wrote a lot of it in Washington, DC, last fall, and recorded pretty much all of it on a beach in Queensland, Australia, earlier this year, so I’ve been thinking it didn’t have much to do with the Mission.

But I live most of my life here in the neighborhood of course, and I’ve been working on this blog most every day for years and years and years, so… you be the judge, if you want:

(I did a whole marathon of posts about music yesterday and then realized I hadn’t blogged about my own, so here you go, please enjoy.)

What’s your graffiti name?


[via Abby]

Rats in a maze

[via Mike Chino]

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail

Website: http://allanhough.bandcamp.com

Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission