Those times when you realize you still love this place

Local blogger anadromy (who on occasion has some gripes about San Francisco) had one of these kinds of times the other day:

I took a walk up into the hills with my SLF (special lady friend) and we took a route we hadn’t taken before and we discovered this ancient-looking stone monument at the top of a winding street that looked a little bit like a tomb to me but later we discovered that it was just the pedestal for a statue that isn’t there anymore and that the place is called Mount Olympus (Mount Olympus!) and it used to be kind of a big deal 100 years ago, visible from all over the city, but now it’s walled in by buildings but from the top of it, you can still see the city laid out below you with the house-speckled hills draped like bunting and the ships lolling at anchor out on the water spinning slowly as the tide shifts and a low gray brow of fog hovering over it all like the frayed edge of an old fashioned postcard and I have to say, yeah, I fucking love this place.

Read on for more pics and story.

A little part of Valencia goes to the Tenderloin

826 Valencia, to be precise. SF Weekly reports:

When a real estate broker told Tenderloin landlord Paul Boschetti that a nonprofit was interested in leasing his 172 Golden Gate Avenue property, he told the San Francisco Chronicle Thursday, Boschetti said, “No way. I’ve had it up to here with nonprofits.” But the landlord had a change of heart when he visited the original 826 Valencia. “When I saw what they were doing for the young people of the neighborhood, how much fun the kids were having, I immediately changed my mind,” Boschetti told the Chron. “If I was a kid I would like this kind of stuff myself.”

Aww. Read on for more of the story.

Art on our local billboards instead of advertisements

I think this project was originally only supposed to last through the end of last summer, but I guess it’s still going strong.

[Photo by Charles, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Dolores Park, 1935

[via Blondie's]

Check out Doc Pop’s trixel art Joy Division shirt

What’s trixel art, you ask? “…like pixel art, but with one less corner,” says Doc Pop, the designer of this design.

You may learn more about this shirt and also order one for yourself here.

Check out the great banner art at Friday’s City Hall protest

[via Mike Koozmin]

Is Burning Man stupid?

[via Omar]

What’s it like to be ‘A Woman in Tech’?


Writer and “former startup person” Kate Imbach (not pictured) tells us about it in a new story called “A Woman in Tech,” using a fictional world where animals (of varying spots on the food chain) run tech companies:

I’m the only female swan in the office of a very successful start-up. Vanity Fair and Fortunehave profiled our CEO, a handsome teenage grizzly bear. He has no idea what he’s doing. He lumbers around, throwing fish from the $100,000 custom aquarium (we still aren’t even profitable!) into his mouth, talking about how great salmon is for his fur while the rest of us fill out spreadsheets and make him rich. Only in San Francisco could you have a CEO who hibernates for six months a year.

The bear has a temper. If something displeases him during a meeting he roars and growls like a madman. During these outbursts I roll my eyes at the golden retrievers from sales while the bear’s assistant, an aggrieved sparrow, tries to feed him whichever cold-pressed juice BuzzFeed says is best for nerves. Watching a bird try to feed a bear an $8 bottle of juice is enough to keep a draft of my resignation letter in a secret folder, believe me.

The worm asks me to lunch almost every day, and occasionally out of professional decorum I feel obliged to eat with him. Last week as we waited for our orders in a café, he sank back into his sticky tube of a body, looked me up and down and asked, “Hey now, so how do you keep so fit?”

Ick. Read on for lots more.

[Photo by MCC]

Taking the fight inside City Hall

A mob of our neighbors is inside City Hall right now trying to convince Mayor Lee that evictions are wrong.

Kudos, neighbors! Follow along at #MissionTakesCityHall

[Photos by Plaza 16 Coalition and The COH]

Throwback Thursday: Hanging out at Pop’s 4 years ago

I saw at least one of those guys at Pop’s last night, and you can definitely still buy those Muni shirts by Sexpigeon (in a variety of color combinations) in the Sexpigeon shirt store, so, the more things change…

(Except: photos don’t look like those old Motorola RAZR photos anymore, too bad.)

Allan Hough

Posts: 7858

Email: allanhough@gmail


Biographical Info:

"I joked that living in the Mission would be the end of me. And there were nights where it felt like the case.

One night I went out with my friend Allan to the bar that no one goes to on 16th Street, where I lost half my drink and money on the dance floor. Later we skated down 16th to Evelyn Lee, where I fell off my board and landed on my head as the 22 bus sped past behind me. A sobering moment. At the bar, I sulked and nursed my wounds until Allan put on Amy Winehouse’s 'Valerie.' We danced, he dipped me, and I felt better."

— My pal Valerie, writing about life in the Mission