Tuesday: Take Back Your Piece of the Pi(e) Day, hosted by Move Your Money!
Does your bank fund the DAPL and you want OUT?
Do you hate corporate greed?
Do you love pizza?
Then do we have an event for you!
On Pi Day (3.14) Cease & Desist will be hosting our launch party. It’s $8 for unlimited pizza plus a bar fundraiser for BFF.fm- Best Frequencies Forever! ++ **FREE BEER!! (see caveat below)**++ Join us to get your questions answered about moving your money and be entertained by BFF.fm livestream DJing moola themed music!
Take back your piece of the pie and MOVE YOUR MONEY. We are encouraging people to move their money out of big banks and into credit unions. Already changed banks? Come celebrate! on Pi Day with Pie!
What can you do to tip the scales of power? MOVE YOUR MONEY! Stop investing in institutions that don’t have your back and start investing in your community by switching to a credit union. It may seem like headache but you can do it in four easy steps.
Visit moveyourmoney.us for more details
**FREE BEER CAVEAT** – It’s Lea Troeh’s 10th year in SF, so she’s sudsidizing a beer for the first 10 folks who show their CU card or cut up their big bank card on the spot!**
[full menu full of vegan and gluten free items will also be available, so come celebrate even if you can't eat pizza]
WEDNESDAY: Call Your Rep, A Telethon Party, hosted by Social Studies SF!
Call your local representatives to let them know what you’re concerned about. We’ll have talking points, popcorn and drinks.
We’ll be covering issues like
- immigration/Muslim ban
- reproductive rights
- the Supreme Court nomination
- higher driving requirements for ridesharing companies
Just bring your cell phone and some friends!